Shoot like crazy!
, 04-04-2014 at 08:26 PM (903 Views)
I am getting a new laptop, and giving the one I am using now to my sister. I won't be giving her the fancy case that came with it though, because I like it, and she doesn't need it. You see, after seeing the one I bought for Mom's cousin earlier this week and how well it runs, I want one just like it. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that I was being paid to buy a computer for Mom's cousin, the one she's staying with. I ordered it on Monday, it arrived on Wednesday, and I took it to where Mom's staying on Thursday. I tried it out here to make sure it was running fine, because I didn't want them or me to be out nearly $200. Anyway, I want to get one like it because it can run all of the programs I use on my desktop computer that I can't run on this laptop. I suppose I could have just gotten this laptop upgraded or something, but my sister had asked for it back when we were moving. I may as well give it to her.
The ride to Sinking Spring was wet. I first stopped over at the house to feed the animals. Then I rode to Sinking Spring. The wind wasn't blowing too much, but the rain was rough. I was soaked by the time I got back. Carma was here when I arrived. She had bought me some breakfast at McDonald's on her way back. Then she went to sleep, and I started on my save file of Final Fantasy X HD. I reached the start of Mi'ihen Highroad today. I won the blitzball match against the Goers 4-2. I am using the Standard Sphere Grid, and I noticed that there are some additions to it. On the PS2, Tidus didn't have Extract Speed as a skill, to my knowledge; and yet here it is in this first circle of his section. The reason why I didn't go straight to the Expert Grid was because I have no idea how I would want the characters to develop. I figure I will go and do the Sphere Grid I know this first time, and then next time go the Expert route.
Tomorrow we are supposed to have someone here to fix the lights in the kitchen. And then Carma and I are going to be putting Joey's bed together in his room. Now that the paint is dry and the border's been put up, it is time for his bed to be assembled. His room's them is John Deere. Everything is green and yellow. There's John Deere decorations on the walls, and his bed will have themed comforters and pillows on it.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...