Making the trash not noticeable.
, 08-29-2013 at 07:18 PM (700 Views)
I woke up feeling refreshed and well rested, because I went to bed at 10pm last night. Then I saw the clock as I was getting up. 11:30pm. So I went back to sleep.
The same thing happened at 1:30am.
And at 2:15am.
And when it happened again at 3am, I just stayed up. There was no point in going back to sleep at this point, because I was more annoyed than anything then. I didn't have anything to do, and I didn't want to run the risk of leaving for work earlier than normal and not being able to do anything when I got there. So I loaded up Sly 2 and played for an hour. I completed the first episode, and began the second. Right now the mission is to collect the necessary parts to make a tuxedo so Sly can sneak in the party.
At 4am, I got ready for work, and then I left at 4:45. As I was riding down my road to the main road, a car came up behind me. This is odd because there are never any cars that go by at this time. I got as close to the edge of the road as possible without going down the 30 foot drop. As the car passed me, I noticed it wasn't any ordinary car. It was a police car. It was still at the stop sign when I reached the end of the road. Then, it turned left toward Locust Grove, and I did as well. A couple miles down the road I see a set of headlights pointed toward the main road from the next side road. I knew instantly what it was. It was the same police car as before. After I rode by, the car pulled back out onto the main road and went back toward my road.
I wonder what he was doing. It seemed like I was being watched or something. It wouldn't be the first time. I have mentioned this before in my old journal, but for a while after Mom and Dad were sent to prison I was constantly followed by the police when I would deliver the papers. It's no secret that I deliver to some un-wanted citizens. After all, they are as worthy of reading the newspaper as the rest of the people. But this situation hasn't happened for a while, so it made me feel sick to my stomach.
I got to the office at 5:30am and began working. Because of the decision from my boss to no longer staple the papers together to prevent flyaway messes, I saved so much time in preparing. Now I can just stick the papers in my basket without care and fold them as I go. I was finished with the entire route before 9am.
I brought my Nintendo DS with me today in case I had to wait. I knew I would be in town until at least 9am, because that was when I would be able to pay the electric bill. Luckily, I didn't have to wait too long for my check. Iris came to the office early, and I was able to get it in the 7 o'clock hour. After chatting with her about stuff, I left for home.
Grandma was pulling weeds when I got to her house. We talked about the garden, and how it was almost done for the year. She wants to make stuffed peppers one more time before the garden finishes this year. When her phone rang, I took my leave and went home.
Dad and my brother were about to go to Sinking Spring when I arrived. I went with them to deliver the papers in Sinking Spring. So, now I don't have to go in the morning. I can sleep in if I want. Or play games all night tonight with no lingering thoughts that I have to go somewhere in the morning.
After all that was done, I went and did my normal Michael-at-home activities. I checked up on the social network things. I played Osu!. I am currently #824 in the country. If I earn 2 more performance points I will go up to #821. My current game plan is to try and get higher scores than those directly in front of me. That way, any points they received from songs would transfer to me. The only problem I am having with that is the profiles don't have a lot of information to use against them. It has some, but not a lot that can help me.
Well, I just did it! I earned three Performance Points in one song. I never would have figured a song from Ponyo would be so easy to play. Now in order to advance to #820, I need another 4 Performance Points.
I found out some information on where I need to be ranked in the country in order to reach the main leader board for the top world players. I need to reach roughly #480 in the U.S.A. in order to have a high enough score to reach the world leader board. At least now I know where my goal is. Now I can work harder to reach it.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...