Saving puppies, and piggies, and pigeons!?!?
, 03-08-2014 at 09:16 PM (1117 Views)
I played through Episode 1 of Final Fantasy XIII-2 today. It is the start of what I hope will be a successful attempt of finally finishing the game. I would have played more, but I lost my motivation when I felt cocky and took on Snow in the Coliseum. I managed to withstand 4 hits before getting KO'd. I knew I had no chance of winning. I mean, I had only just started the game. But I still gave it a shot.
This morning I was in a small Internet scuffle. I was reading the comments on one of the upcoming osu! tournaments. One of the contestants was claiming that the organizer rigged the brackets in the organizer's favor. Being the Champion of Justice I am, I did some digging, and noticed that the tournament organizer had in fact broke one of the rules he put in place. The brackets were to given in order of the contestants' rankings. However, he instead used a random number generator. I brought it to the contestant's attention, and I offered some suggestions on how to fix it (because they were asking for suggestions). My response was taken wrongly by the tournament organizer, and he claimed that I was just stating out the facts to be obnoxious. I am not even participating! I couldn't play in it if I wanted to, because it is only open to those in the United Kingdom. I just pointed out that there should have been a line in the rules that stated the reasoning for the change in seeding procedure. In then end, he realized he was wrong, and made a note in the rules stating the new procedure and why it was done.
Other than that, I watched Mom play some Facebook games. She has started getting requests from her friends. She likes Pet Rescue Saga, because it is similar to Super Boxxi, which is what she plays in TouchMaster Connect.
Well, that's all for now. I am off to bed. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...