I'll be a week behind.
, 09-17-2013 at 09:40 PM (1140 Views)
I ordered a copy of Grand Theft Auto V this afternoon. It should arrive on or before September 25. So, I won't be at too much of a disadvantage when it comes to knowing about the game and how to play. I am thinking of making or joining a crew so I will be able to rely on someone other than myself during multiplayer sessions. Especially since the Grand Theft Auto Online looks so cool!
The question then becomes what size crew would be better for me. If I join a larger crew, I have more people aligned with me so I have the backup when I need it and the RP/XP given is greater. But I become just one of many and the chance to stand out is rare. If I join a smaller crew, there aren't a lot of other players who will have my back, and the chance RP/XP bonuses is less. But if I am good enough, I can go up the ranks of the new Crew Heirarchy and really shine more. And if I start up one of my own, there's a chance no one would join and I'd be by myself.
I am still researching the whole crew idea. There are more than 1,000 crews currently in existence, since they carry over from Max Payne 3 (or whatever it's called) to GTA V. I will probably have made a decision by the time my copy of the game arrives. And then there will probably by second-guessing and tons of what ifs running through my head up until Online begins on the 1st.
Not only that, GTA V will be the one game that I have played that has been so close to its launch date. The second place being Final Fantasy XIII when I rented it from Gamefly a few years ago.
Let's move on...
I am competing in both the osu!mania and Taiko monthly competitions this time around. Right now, I am on the Top 40 leader boards for both game modes. But since the competition just started two days ago, I will have a lot to do to keep my name on both lists.
And I am still in that building within the Gnosis in Xenosaga Episode I.
As Lacquer Head posted earlier today, there is yet another big news story in the area. I still don't like how the news companies only come to our part of the viewing area when there is something bad that happened. I am trying to keep the information about the case to a minimum for myself, because there might be a chance that I could finally be selected as a juror. I have applied every year since I was 18, and still haven't been chosen. And my sister only applied once and was chosen. Even Mom was chosen, and she was in prison at the time (I had to call the courthouse and inform them that she wouldn't be able to make it).
Anyway, I asked my brother if he had heard about it, and he said that he did. But he didn't know much more than what was in the video Lacquer Head posted.
In other news...
Actually, there aren't any other news. That's about it for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...