To ride or not to ride...the new bike.
, 02-12-2014 at 09:19 PM (818 Views)
I spent the morning writing articles for the site. Today I worked on one for Thief and one for Drakengard 3. During the research for the Thief article, I became really interested in the game. So, I may have pre-ordered the game with the pretense that I would review it. I won't be getting the GameStop pre-order exclusives that my article focused on, but I have no interest in an app for a smartphone. I'd kind of need a smartphone for that. Anyway, I will review the game when it arrives and post it up on the site I work for.
I am also in the preparation phase of a project I am working on. I am going to be making a Let's Play of Final Fantasy I. I have everything working and connected for once, so I will finally do a real LP of a game instead of random osu! maps.
Let's see, Dad stopped by today. That was fun. It was, because I was working on the articles I published today and couldn't be bothered with him. He tried to make small talk, but I shrugged it off. He should know by now what to say to make me respond with more than one word response.
Let's see. I am currently in the 5th Ark in Final Fantasy XIII. I am almost to where I can finally earn those missing trophies. I think the easiest among the ones I need would be the one where I ride the chocobo and look for treasure.
Tomorrow I am delivering newspapers. But I am not sure I want to take my new bike out and use it. It is still really icy and all outside. I asked my brother how the roads were in town, and he said that they still haven't melted completely. But the cruiser bikes make the route so much easier. I will probably suck it up and make the new bike's debut.
Well, that's about it for tonight. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...