Pretending someone doesn't exist is more fun than pretending you don't exist.
, 12-02-2012 at 07:02 PM (2583 Views)
I did not get much sleep last night. I tried, but my mind was thinking one hundred things at once and I just couldn't sleep. I think I finally fell asleep at around four this morning, after going to bed at 11 last night. One of the things I was thinking about were the names I was called. Along with what I put in last night's entry, I am also a W-word. Which I think is hilarious, and I was actually laughing about it in bed. If anything, I am a tease, or the male equivalent. I am a "you can look, but not touch" kind of person.
When I woke up, I checked to see the damage. I have a bruise on my chest, and my neck hurts a little. The neck thing could be because I didn't sleep well. It also hurt to yawn this morning. But other than that, I'm fine.
While looking at myself in the mirror, I did notice that my chest and upper arms are getting more muscle on them. And I am starting to develop more defined trapezius muscles. So, that's good. All those weeks flinging newspapers is showing results in places other than my legs! It's just too bad that I didn't notice until just now.
Anyway, after looking at myself, I settled down for a gaming session. The game of choice: Final Fantasy VII. You may notice my signature has changed to feature it, as well as the LP Thread. Feel free to read it, leave comments, join in if you want. I also played some more Revenant Wings today. I just finished the fight against Ba'Gamnan with Rikken and crew as allies. This game is really quick to play. I am already one-third complete, and it's only been less than ten hours of playing time.
You may be wondering how it's going pretending that Dad isn't here. Well, quite well actually. I haven't said a single word to him. It really feels like I am back to living by myself again. Dad has reached out a little, but I didn't respond. First he had my brother ask if I needed anything from the store. Then, he said that he whipped up something for dinner. I didn't reply, or eat whatever it was that he made. Then right before starting this entry, he asked for his checkbook. I have been keeping it in my desk for the last three years. He said that he would be going to check if his account is still active. I don't know why, since he never has any money, but whatever. I handed him the checkbook and went back to watching YouTube.
Grandma called today. She had a feeling something was wrong. Although, she thought that one of us were at her house last night knocking on her door. She thought that my brother was there. But he wasn't. Oh well. I told her what happened. She said for me to just keep my mouth shut around Dad. That won't be hard to do, since he no longer exists in my life.
I also started up my money journal again. I may as well, now that the year is ending soon. I also planned out where my money is going for my next check. I will be paying my portion of the bills with it. I love that sentence, because normally it takes me a whole month's worth of checks to do that. Now I can do it in only one! One thing that Dad probably hasn't realized is that this is the last month I will be paying half of the bills. When the next set of bills come, I am only paying a third of the amounts. And why should I pay more, there are three of us here. My brother is as able-bodied as I am, so he can earn money as well.
Today is Day 3 in my wait for my computer. I do not know when it will arrive, but it will be here soon. That's why I am counting up instead of down. Anyway, I really want it to get here. Just thinking about it puts a smile on my face. I want to finally play around with my new programs. Not only that, but I still haven't gotten too far in TES III: Morrowind. That game has been in my desk for about a year with no activity.
Tomorrow is the big meeting about whether or not I am getting a raise. I know I've said I think I deserve one, but now I am not sure I should get it. After all, I have only been doing this new job for two weeks. I have never heard of another job that offers a pay raise so soon after starting it. Well, other than going from a dead-end job to multi-millionaire by winning the lottery. Anyway, it just seems weird. Everything is changing for the better, but maybe I'm just being weird about it and expecting something bad to happen. I don't know.
What I do know is that it is going to be near seventy degrees here tomorrow. It rained all day today, but tomorrow it will just be cloudy. I am going to bring extra clothes with me, just in case I get wet on my bike. I just hope there won't be too many puddles on the roads.
That's all for this entry. As always, feel free to leave a comment below (I really should reply to the comments I have been getting lately) or send me a message in some other way (I almost always reply if you send it in some other way). I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...