Cuddle Bug
, 10-17-2013 at 08:43 PM (792 Views)
The ride to Peebles this morning was nice. There were a total of zero vehicles to pass me on the road. When I arrived, there were one thousand extra papers along with the the two thousand we normally get. I assumed it was for an extra route or something. I wasn't completely wrong. Each business route would be getting more, because people complained that the stores have been running out. None of my stores, because I always come back with extras each week.
However, I didn't know anything about the new distribution count until the owner stopped by. That's also when I learned that there was also a magazine to be distributed this week and next in the stores as well. The owner allowed me to go home because I had already finished my route.
The delivery was fine. It rained off and on, but mostly off.
Dad passed me as I was heading to Grandma's. He called my phone and said to wait for him there so he could take me home.
After I got home, I fell asleep. U came in and slept beside me. It was just what I needed, because before I fell asleep it started raining hard. U and I were nice and comfortable, so the rain didn't hinder my rest, and U didn't cry at all while it rained.
I finally woke up at about 5pm. I fed the cats their dinner. After that, I started working on my Final Round entry in the talent competition I am in. I finished it not too long ago, and submitted it on the website.
Check the description box of the video for all of the information.
I've had a Band-Aid on my leg all day today. I don't want to take it off, because it will hurt. But it's been on for nearly 24 hours. Getting hurt was much simpler back when I didn't have to worry about things like ripping leg hair out by the roots.
Well, U is sleeping in front of the space heater I have in my room. It is really cold in the house after all of that rain. And tomorrow I am delivering in Sinking Spring. So, I guess that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...