Peppermint Candy Post Again
, 12-16-2013 at 09:40 PM (688 Views)
So, it snowed again today. That was fun. I was lucky enough to only have to go outside to feed the animals and bring in firewood. My brother checked the mail today, meaning I didn't have to. However, I made up for it by sliding ten feet before falling on my face while out getting firewood. Yeah, so that was enjoyable.
Everything before that was perfect okay. I worked. I played. I had chili dogs for lunch. I am almost out of peppermint candy. I only have 29 pieces left. That means I can only have 3 each day for the nine days, plus two for whenever. That doesn't seem too hard to do. But then you have to realize that I have had 65+ pieces in the last few days. That's when you think I may have a problem. Or that I should occupy my time with something else to make me not think about candy.
Okay, let's think the article I wrote today. It is one similar to one of the news articles already posted here. About Drakengard 3. I was asked spur of the moment to write it. Having no idea what Drakengard 3 is, I said, "Sure, why not?!" Then la-di-da, an hour later, I come up with an article that if I had not written it, I would surely consider purchasing the game after reading it. I won't link you to it.
Moving on...
There's still time to get your ballots in for the Awards. VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!
And that's about everything for today. I still have to update my gaming blog, so I should be online for a while. Anyway, I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...