French Fries
, 04-30-2013 at 07:31 PM (886 Views)
I downloaded Jetpack Joyride from PSN today. It seemed like a fun mindless game when I was reading the description. And it is. And that's why I have spent hours playing it today. It's so fun! I have almost reached 5000 meters. Almost. In my friends rankings, I am second. To Dodie16. Overall, I am somewhere between 60,000 and 70,000.
I played a couple multiplayer deathmatches in Grand Theft Auto IV. I didn't do too bad. I was hoping to get invited by the pro team to play with them, but no such luck. That was the only reason I even put GTA IV in today, I saw the one I befriended online playing and figured there might be a chance. I'm not too worried. I just wanted a chance to show how much I've improved as a player.
And in the Sly Cooper and Thievius Raccoonus, I am in the fourth Act/Chapter/Area (whatever). It should only take another day or two to finish it. And at the rate I'm going, I will most likely get a platinum trophy. I have gotten everything so far. Every vault, every clue, every special move. Which brings up a question. How often does anyone actually use the special triangle button abilities. Yeah, slow motion and double speed were fun for a few seconds when I tried it, but I don't use them. And those stupid hat bombs. Sly doesn't throw them far enough to do anything. And I don't ever roll or use the doppelganger abilities.
Today I was accused of hiding an important paper from Dad because I was "taking revenge on Dad for continuing to be with Floozy". My response to the person saying this was that they shouldn't accuse me of something without concrete proof of me doing it. So now I am one step higher on the hating scale. If I am being accused of something, I will do whatever I can to not them into a liar.
Moving on...
Tomorrow I am spending another happy game-filled day at home. I want to get Sly 1 finished, and work on completing Final Fantasy XIII. I also have had a video of Cave Story on my computer ready for editing for about a week now. I want to add commentary to it, and upload it onto my channel.
Tomorrow is also the start of the next King of the Web competition. This last one I didn't do as well as normal. I finished in 33rd place with 300 votes. It actually makes me think that I should probably try for the overall competition instead of the gaming category. The amount of votes I received (by not even actively campaigning, I might add) is equal to 18th place in the main contest. And if I had used the bonus votes I have instead of saving them, I would have finished in 14th (Overall) or 27th (gaming). Anyway, I have earned a pass to alter my votes, and I plan on using it to save up some more bonus votes. Right now with the people I am working with to stock up bonus votes, I have 595 saved up. If I can get my brother to start voting again (or for him to give me his password so I can do it for him), then I will be one step closer to winning.
Remember, this next contest is still just to save up votes. My next big campaign will be in about a month. By then, I should have enough votes saved up by everyone helping out to make a big dent in the competition. Vote! Vote!! Vote!!! The web address has changed a little from before (the contest/site has gone through some changes), so click here to go straight to my entry page. Remember, the contest starts at 12 noon Pacific Daylight Time tomorrow, so you won't be able to vote for until then.
That's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...
Don't forget to vote!