PhotoPlus Newb
, 06-04-2013 at 08:38 PM (653 Views)
I woke up at 3-something shivering because I was no longer under my blanket. I was in the same spot, but my blanket was bunched up around a long, furry, black spot. Well, he's more black with red highlights. Omega somehow thought he needed all of my blanket, and pulled what I had off of me. When I fell asleep, he was outside. But I leave my window open now, and he just crept in stole my blanket.
And because it was so cute and because he looked so comfy, I didn't wake him. I was afraid to. He is a big meanie when he's been awake for a while, I don't want to imagine what he's like when he's woken up. It couldn't have been difficult to take the blanket, not with his paws. When he puts his claws out, they are as wide as the circumference of a soda can. He's a monster of a cat compared to Itsy Bitsy (his sister).
So, I got what blanket he didn't have control of and covered up as best I could. When I woke up from the cold again, he was no longer on the bed. I then got under the blanket and tucked in for a couple more hours of sleep.
The graphics contest I wrote about recently is finally under way. It is a bracket-style contest, and I don't think I could have been put in a worse position on the bracket. Actually, no matter where I was placed I would have the disadvantage. But where I am at is the easier portion. I only have to win three times to win. I'd have to win four times in the other half of the bracket.
Since I have never been in an art-themed contest, I have no data to go off of in order to maximize my chance of winning. I will have to rely on skill, which is something I have little of. I figured I would first choose a theme for my first piece. I am focusing on White Mages (or would it be Magi) of Final Fantasy games. Since there weren't a lot of pictures I liked of the White Mages (Magi), I am focusing on three. Rosa, Minwu, and Serah in her White Mage outfit. And since this is my first piece where I have nothing to use as a reference (I always have examples or instructions for ads), I want to keep it simple and not overextend and make it look too bad.
Here's what I have done so far.
I don't even know how big it is. I put in 500 x 150 pixels, but I don't know how that translates to actual measuring terms. I'm thinking maybe adding some text along the lines ofor something less corny as that. Chances are I will not think of anything else and will stick with that.No matter how dark or bleak it may seem, the White Mage heals like a dream...
I have never made anything straight from PhotoPlus (my knockoff version of what the office uses) in the whole of my time as editor of the paper. Normally, I just use PhotoShop (what the office has) to touch up on color in case something didn't come out quite the color I wanted. So this whole using PhotoPlus only thing is extremely new to me. I have until Friday to get the hang of it, because that's when the first round submissions are due.
Tomorrow also is the start of the creative writing contest as well. The deadline for submissions for that was May 31st, but due to a low entry count it was extended to June 5th. I've already received confirmation of my entry, so I know I am participating.
As for Gaming King, I am holding on to 6th Place. For now. It's only a matter of time until I drop down to 7th. Maybe I should have saved up more votes. I will continue campaigning (sorry to my Facebook friends on here, the multiple shares each day will end in ten days) and uploading videos daily. Here's my latest:
I don't know where this song comes from in regards to shows and whatnot. I like it.
Tomorrow I am going to try and do some of things I wanted to do today. As for other stuff, I have something worth mentioning but it can wait. That's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...