Please don't let one be in there.
, 12-15-2013 at 10:01 PM (711 Views)
I honestly don't feel bad for my brother or this situation he's in. He's becoming physically sick from the stress he's in, but he's the one staying in that toxic relationship he's in. And he won't listen to anyone, so no one has even tried to talk to him. The only thing I can do is put my foot down when the next phone bill arrives. If he wants to spend hours each weeks on the phone, he will have to pay what he already owes on it. I keep the phone in service because it is easier to people to contact Dad and my brother for work, and so Mom can call; not so my brother can get into phone fights with some trashy chick.
Also, I have started becoming afraid each time I open a peppermint candy. I have this fear that the candy company may have mistakenly placed a cinnamon candy in the bag. I am allergic to cinnamon, and I wouldn't want to unknowingly consume one. I don't smell each candy before I put it in my mouth, so it's quite possible I would do it. Oh well, Christmas is almost here. After Christmas, there's no more reason for me to eat peppermint candies. I mean, I'm not on the Quiz Bowl Team anymore, so I don't need it sharpen my mind.
Only five days left to get your votes in for The 2013 TFF Awards! If you haven't already, cast your votes for who you want to win. This also brings up a good point. I, uh, need help with some technical things. I am trying to set up my computer to live stream stuff with twitch, particularly the Awards Ceremony. I have installed xSplit and have it linked with my twitch account, but I don't know anything past that point. So this is a cry for help. If someone can help me get everything situated, I would be your bestest friend in the whole world. I would. I will share more specific details with any interested. My Skype name is on my profile, so that should be enough for you to contact me.
And that's about it for tonight. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...
Later! And don't forget to send in your ballots!