I was so bored, I watched a Fred movie...
, 08-31-2014 at 05:34 AM (545 Views)
It looks like I will have the morning here to myself. Carma and Joey are going shopping. I wouldn't be surprised if he comes back with a new Kindle or something. Anyway, I am just glad that Jackson will get a break from Joey's torture. Carma finally saw what I had been dealing with, and sent Joey to his room. For ten minutes. Then he was told that he can't treat Jackson like that. After all, the dog is not a trampoline, and Joey can't be jumping on him like he is one. And Joey listened for about ten minutes. I honestly think he will only learn his lesson if Jackson dies.
So, I earned the daedric artifact trophy yesterday. I also earned the trophy for having 100,000 gold. I am only two trophies away from the Platinum! I just have to gain eight levels, and learn five more shouts. I got Sneak to 100, so I made it legendary. That should help me gain experience quickly. As for the shouts, it's not fun. Like, at all. So I have been spacing them out. I will go to where the letters or Greybeards tell me to go, and then do some side stuff. Right now, I am in Yngvild (or however you spell it). I don't know if there's a Shout here, because I have had it as a quest for a while. Anyway, if there is, great! If not, I am glad I gained more expereience.
The kitten is able to eat dry cat food. That's good. Stri-P-Grr will have to teach the baby to not climb into the bowl in order to eat. The silly kitty went right into it and then Stri-P-Grr looked at me as if to say, "This is what I deal with now." It's so cute!
Well, that's all for now. I am off to explore a bunch of ruins to find magical walls. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...
PS, I bought Tales of Xillia 2.