PB & J on hamburger buns...
, 08-30-2014 at 08:48 AM (579 Views)
Everything has been the same as usual lately. On Wednesday, my brother came over and put the drive belt back on the mower. On Thursday, I delivered the papers and was finished before 9am. On Friday, I watched Joey overnight.
Joey has misplaced his Kindle, and none of us have been able to find it. It doesn't help that he says he put it in a different every time he is asked. Carma asked me if I had used it. I haven't, nor would I want to. I make it a point to not use the things he uses. But I have this feeling that maybe she thinks I took it it something. This isn't the first time something of Joey's has gone missing. His shoes, his TV remote, his $20 bill, and now his Kindle. It's like she wants to blame me, but doesn't want to say it outright. She and I have looked everywhere in the house for it, but it hasn't been found. I asked him if he took it to school, because of how he has to flaunt everything in front of people to make himself feel good (I didn't tell him that, of course). He said that he didn't, but I can't believe anything he says. Anyway, there's also a chance that he has hidden it just for the chance to get a new one. He learned that if he does, Carma will get him new things. He was given new shoes, a new remote, another $20, and he's hoping for a new Kindle. And then there's a chance that he hid it because he can't remember the password he placed on it. Only Joey knows where he put it, and it shouldn't be Carma's or my job to find what he loses. Not in this case, it isn't.
Now for some developments in the new season of the competition. The purge has happened, and twelve people have been removed from the competition. Before the purge and after the new update to the list, I was ranked 23rd. After the Purge, I ranked 18th. That means I skipped Silver league altogether, and moved into the Gold league. I don't know if I really deserve to be in the Gold league. There's a chance that with another new decision, I could be placed in the Silver league. The person running the league says that instead of putting the new players into the bottom league and having them work their way up, he is going to put them in with the rest of us. The only exception being the Platinum League. No new players will join that one, but Gold and below is fair game...apparently.
I finished the Thieves Guild story, and earned the trophy for returning it to it's former glory. I also cleared my 50th dungeon. I just need to learn six more shouts, gain another nine levels, and earn around 10,000 more gold. There's also a few more deadric artifacts to earn as well. I think that in particular is what I will work on next. Off the top of my head, I think I need to earn the things for Mehrunes Dagon, Hircine, and Sanguine. Since Hircine has two artifacts, and will both only be necessary should a glitch occur, I will save that for last. I have been selling my stocked gemstones to the fences, because they have 4,000+ gold each time I visit. The trophy for earning enough gold will also be earned quickly today.
And once I have all of that taken care of, I just have to worry about the DLC trophies. Getting to level 78 will be difficult, and all for the chance to fight a legendary dragon. And I am sure that I will eventually have the materials necessary to build three big houses to complete the Hearthfire trophy list. Then I will be free to work on the Dragonborn trophy list.
My free days on Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn expires soon. I have let it go to waste. And honestly, I am not sure if I want to keep playing or not. I already have so much I need to play and finish, and buying a subscription to something I play so rarely is not a good economical choice. And besides, with how the Internet is here, I don't want to only be able to play it after 11pm. I have been really tired lately, and haven't been staying up late.
I don't think there is anything else I need to mention. Tomorrow Carma and I are moving the broken TV downstairs, and I think we are also putting up the border downstairs as well. Now that the cabinets are painted (and I did a great job on painting them), we can put up the borders. So, I guess that's it. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...