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, 01-05-2013 at 08:14 PM (794 Views)
This morning I attempted Slender: The Eight Pages again. I had a brightly lit room, and I felt more confident than all those other attempts at the game. I started the game, and managed to find one page. I found it in a building that reminds me of a rest stop bathroom. And as soon as I found, I hightailed it out of that building because I did not want SlenderMan to get me. I tried to go back the way I came, but I wasn't able to find my way. There were trees everywhere, and I started panicking. I paused the game, and tried to calm down. I wandered around for another minute or so (actual time is probably about 30 seconds, maybe 15) and quit the game.
So, I was able to find one page. SlenderMan has yet to find and kill me. Eventually, I will find all pages in one sitting. But that first page is a big accomplishment. While typing this part, I thought of trying it again. But I don't think I will. It is dark out.
I received Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light today. After testing to see if worked, I went to eBay and gave the seller positive feedback. Then, I went over to Facebook, and told Rowan about it. We talked about the game before, and he made a thread about it. So, I figured I'd tell him. After that, I had this notion to try and make a video of the gameplay. I learned one thing, it is really difficult to make a DS LP with only a 30fps webcam. I kept getting my hand and stylus in the shot. On top of that, my microphone isn't working. I have no idea what's wrong with it. I have never used it before. It worked before on my other computer, but it doesn't want to function with this one.
Never mind, I got it working. I unplugged it from the mic thing in the back of the computer, and put it in the mic thing on the front of the computer. It works, but I need to adjust the levels. The sound is really faint right now.
Yeah, I was wanting to make a blind LP of the game, but couldn't then. I may attempt it later. Although, I don't want my first LP to be blind. Maybe start with a game I know more about. Like Pokemon, or Mario, or something.
My copy of The Sims 2 is still in Columbus. Which sucks, because I was hoping it would arrive today as well. I have already played that game, but never finished it. I am not even sure if there is a way to finish that game. I also erased my game completion list I had on my dry erase board.
Dad asked me if I wanted to go with him to Grandma's to watch the football game. I told him I didn't, because I don't like football. And it was a good thing I didn't, because Cincinnati lost. To the Texans. "If Cincinnati had to lose, why did it have to be against the Texans," my Dad said when he got back. I knew before he arrived the result of the game. My Facebook feed was full of updates on the game, and the disappointment of the loss.
Now, I am holed up in my room with Omega. My brother brought his girlfriend and her squalling kid here again, and it's all I can do to muffle the crying. And of course, Dad is not here again. Why should he, he's out cheating on Mom again tonight. And tomorrow he will go to church and pretend that he's a good little church goer. I am truly surprised that he hasn't burst into flames yet.
Well, Omega was wanting to go outside to use the bathroom, so I let him out. It is just me in here now. Anyway, it is getting late. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...