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, 01-07-2013 at 09:00 PM (1014 Views)
The big news of the day was that someone drove their car into an electric pole and caused a blackout in the area for four hours. I don't like blackouts in the winter. Mainly because of the wood stove. When the power goes out, there is no way for the heat the stove creates to circulate throughout the house. This causes the room the stove is in to get extremely hot quickly. And it also causes the fire in the stove to really get cooking. The pipe going from the stove to the chimney sometimes gets red hot. If the blackout lasted too much longer, we would have to douse the fire in the stove to prevent a fire in the chimney and burning the house down.
The blackout is also the reason for the title of this entry. My brother was leaving to go hang out with his friend at another house affected by the blackout. I stood outside until he left the driveway. When I could no longer see the lights from the truck, the darkness fell heavy and made me automatically think of Slender. I have woods all around, so my mind put two and two together and started to make me think of scary stuff. I went into the house, where it was darker. If I have learned anything from the game, it's that if I don't see it then it can't get quickly. I think Itsy Bitsy felt my fear, because she climbed on my lap and started purring. It got me to stop thinking about the game and got me to focus on conquering the dark.
One good thing about the blackout was that we weren't using electricity for four hours. That's four hours less than last month. Another good thing is that I got to see the starry sky without lights from the Earth making the stars seem dim.
Moving on...
I have already been outbid on the erhu. I should have waited until the auction was closer to ending to snipe it. But I just had to think that no one would want the same thing I want. Oh well. Since I am no longer going to win, I decided to do something else. I purchased a brand new copy of Xenosaga Episode I. I am going to find out what (either my PS2 or the game itself) that is causing the game not to play. If it's just my copy of the game, then I will sell mine and keep the new one. If it's the PS2, then I don't know what I'll do. Maybe sell both copies. It should be here by the 11th. I think it's coming from North Carolina.
By the way, my new copy of The Sims 2 arrived today. It works, and I left positive feedback. I also played some more of The 4 Heroes of Light. I have no idea where I am, but there are lots of Big Worms, and they do not like me. I don't like them much either.
Tomorrow I am working at the office, building my eighth newspaper. I can't believe it has been two months already. It doesn't feel like it at all. Maybe that's what doing something you love to do feels like. I truly feel like I have found my calling, composing newspapers.
I made a list today of all the ads I have built from scratch. I want to make copies of them and make a portfolio for them. That way I can keep them forever and be able to show Mom what I do when she comes home next year. Mom likes that kind of stuff. Of course, most, if not all, moms like what their children make. But my ads are much nicer than some macaroni picture a mom puts on the refrigerator.
Anyway, it is 11pm now, and I should head to bed. I have to get the cats ready for the night as well. They have to be put out to use the bathroom so they can sleep with me tonight. I hope to see you around the forums, and until tomorrow...