Oops! So you didn't message me...?
, 08-19-2014 at 04:41 AM (666 Views)
You know, I am so glad school starts back up tomorrow. Then I won't have to deal with Joey's annoying self as much. Yesterday he was back into his old I'm better than you mood and would not shut up about his Pokémon game. Saying that his party was better than mine, he had more Poké Balls than I did, every little thing he could say he said. The truth is, every single thing he said wasn't true. When he claimed he was better at battling, I challenged him to battle. He declined. Over and over I would send the battle invite, but he only accepted once. And that one time he accepted, he forfeited the match before the first turn.
I did manage to trick him into giving me his Chespin as punishment. I had two Tauros, and gave him one for his Level 11 Chespin. Sure he got a Level 27 Tauros, but he lost his starter. The one he was supposed to be closest too. And now it sits in a Box in a PC, because I can't be bothered training it since it isn't a Water-Type. Now I just need the Fire starter, and I will be happy.
The Internet speed is faster here now. And now I can sign in to PSN at other times than after 11pm. I was surprised that I was able to. I thought the billing cycle started in two days. Now I can properly manage my trophy earnings and perform better in the competition. The score right now is 16-15 with me in the lead. I played and earned trophies in both Sleeping Dogs and Bayonetta. The latter had me laughing last night. Chapter 7 was quite humorous. As for Sleeping Dogs, I am still liking the story. I think I am nearing the end of the story.
Mom was texting me yesterday, and then I get a message to go on her Facebook page and message someone. It turned out that it wasn't from Mom at all, it was from my sister. My sister asked me to go on my sister's page and message someone. But I had been messaging Mom, and thought it was from her. Then Mom sent me a message yesterday evening saying that someone had been on her page and messaging people. We got everything taken care of. The person I was messaging didn't seem to notice. This person is friends with both Mom and my sister, and probably just figured one was the other. I apologized to Mom, and she understood. I guess I should look at who is messaging me.
Well, that's about it for now. I think I am spending the day playing video games and raising my score. I don't know yet. I have already washed the dishes today, and my laundry was washed last night. So I don't have any chores other than feeding the animals left to do. So, I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...