Sleeping In?
, 10-04-2013 at 01:53 AM (730 Views)
After I fed the cats this evening, I fell asleep. And I woke up about 45 minutes ago. When I woke up, the light from my modem cast a shadow that looked like a person. In a way, it kind of looked like Slender Man. I don't even know what items on my desk caused the shadow. Probably my microphone or speakers or something.
My suspicions were correct when I said yesterday that the paper might not be at the office. They didn't arrive until after 9am. I am glad I brought my DS with me, because I was there for five hours with nothing to do. On top of that, the inserts weren't left outside for me like Iris said they would. I didn't get finished with my route until 12:20pm.
I was at Grandma's from 12:40 to 2pm. She gave me some cookies to snack on when I got home.
And after I got caught up on everything Internet-wise, it was already 5pm. I fed the cats, and went back to room and fell asleep. When I finally woke up, Slender Man was standing in my room. Then I updated my gaming blog, and now I'm typing this.
The new Tiny-G music video came out this week.
And that's all from me for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...