It must be pretty bad from his standpoint.
, 10-05-2013 at 11:49 PM (827 Views)
Dad was here today. He wanted to fix his weed eater. When he came in to take a break, he asked me if my Uncle was mad that I didn't have the check for him on Thursday for the house payment. I said no, and that he said to pay him whenever. Dad seemed disappointed. He doesn't like the fact that I am literally taking the house away from him, I can see it on his face. He was expecting to hear that my Uncle was threatening to sell the house or something. But to hear about his leniency in the situation threw him for a loop.
And then he went on to say that my brother has money to help out with the payments. I told Dad that I'm not going to force him to help. He misheard me, thinking I said I can't force him. I could force him if I wanted to, but I don't want to. Why should my brother be forced to use his money to help pay when Dad himself doesn't pay. Dad's thinking it will be a safety net if my brother pays. That he will still have power if I am not the only one contributing. Oh well. He can think what he wants. It doesn't change the fact that he's wrong.
Moving on...
I made some progress in Xenosaga Episode I and FFTA2. I didn't get to play GTA Online, though.
I working on a new video for my YouTube channel. It is the voting portion of the talent competition I entered, and right now it looks like I will advance to Round 2. So, that's why I am starting on the Round 2 video. And even if I don't advance, I could still post the video to my channel for fun.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...