Today's U Birthday, na na na na nah nah!
, 12-22-2013 at 10:43 PM (994 Views)
Well, last night was rough in terms of the weather. The power was flickering for quite a while, but it stayed on the whole time. However, it was just so hot in the house. It wasn't really the heat that was the problem, it was so humid. I don't think the house can be a comfortable temperature. It is either really cold, or hot and humid. No in-between.
Today was nice. I stayed in and played with U. Though he may be getting bigger, he's still just such a baby. His birthday is today actually. I had to check past entries for the official date, though he still considered a Christmas cat.
It's kind of weird looking back at entries from last year. I tend to only do it when I either need a fact from one, or at the anniversary of the blog itself. Take last year's entry for today. I was playing Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings then. It's a great game, don't get me wrong. However, I never got much further than that point I wrote about in that entry. I haven't even touched the game other than to put the cases in alphabetical order. It is just further proof that I am probably one of the laziest gamers ever. Well, I wouldn't say laziest, maybe the slowest. I play video games most every day. I just can't stick with one game and finish it. It will get done, someday.
My finger is healing nicely. I took the flap of dead skin off today. There's a slightly visible dent in my finger now. Though it doesn't hurt, it still feels weird to touch things with it. It feels like I'm touching something with two fingers, yet it's only one finger.
I finally finished the formatting of all of the articles I wrote so I can send them to Mom. And then after downsizing everything to size 10 font, it was still 10 pages. So, I printed on both sides of the paper. And hey, it's the green thing to do. Now my letter to her will be fifteen pages long. Actually, I am probably going to fill up the other side of the paper on page 5. I was thinking of drawing her a picture, since she usually sends me a picture. I want to send her a picture of Catbug. Because he's so CUTE! And besides, Mom likes cute things.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...