Sugar Plums, Reindeer, and Elves! Oh my!
, 12-24-2013 at 10:14 PM (597 Views)
First, tell me how this looks.
It's for a MMO-style RP I am going to be participating in. I wanted to make it look like one of those character card things you see when you go to the Menu Screen of a Final Fantasy game. I am not sure about the colors I chose for the background. At first I did, but now I am not sure.
I had to once again wash the dishes and bring in firewood by myself today. My brother didn't even work today. I guess it's a waste of my thought process to think that he'd actually do some housework. It wasn't all bad, I guess. I did get to put my hands in hot water for an extended period of time. And firewood does keep the house warm, excluding my room.
So, I guess tomorrow's Christmas. I am hoping to spend it like I did Thanksgiving: by myself in a quiet, peaceful house. I posted the following on Facebook a bit ago.
It is really cold out right now. I forgot to check the mail today, and I was outside a moment ago. And my window is frozen shut as well, so it's definitely cold.If Santa is coming down my chimney tonight, he best wear fireproof clothing. I have a roaring fire going, and I'm not about to let it die down to let some fat man carrying toys eat my cookies.
Anyway, Merry Christmas to those celebrating it. Happy belated Chanukah to those who celebrate that, and happy early Kwanzaa to those that celebrate that. Also, happy whatever else there is to celebrate to those that celebrate whatever else there is to celebrate.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...