Raining while the Sun's shining.
, 07-20-2013 at 08:26 PM (783 Views)
Grandma stopped by today to check up on my brother and me, and she brought us some food because she's always worried that we aren't eating right. Things like spaghetti ingredients, fruit juices, cereal, etc. She said she had a lot to do today with the garden, so she didn't stay long.
It rained off and on all day today. The worst was when it rained for several hours nonstop. It was the hardest rain I ever remember that occurred when the sun was shining. It was almost like the weather was making fun of us or something.
I can't really complain. I didn't have anything to do outside, so I just stayed in and played video games.
I finished the last special episode of The Queen's Classroom. The specials were prequels to the series, and told of how the teacher became who she was during the series. How she developed her attitude, how she received her wounds, etc. The specials also featured the two main child characters as well.
As for gaming, I managed to stick to two games today. In Oblivion, I finally delivered the Amulet to Weynon Priory. I also completed a few side quests in both Chorrol and Skingrad. And in Pokemon White, I earned the first Gym Badge. It was a really tough battle. My normal strategy didn't go so well in the battle against Cilan as it does in the Gym battles in Kanto and Hoenn. I will have to up my skill in order to get farther in Unova.
I forgot to check the mail until a couple paragraphs ago. As I began my walk up the hill, U meows at me to tell me that he wanted attention. I told him to stay on the porch and that I would be back in a minute. What does he do? He goes into a full sprint and gets to the road before I do. I was a little angry with him, because normally he listens. He was just wanting some love and to have his head scratched. Anyway, I told him to tell my brother what he did wrong. He started meowing and crying, as if he was punished. I really believe that cat was a human in a past life and remembers most of it.
I am hoping tomorrow will be a nice and quiet Sunday. One full of fun and relaxation. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...