A Change of Pace
, 11-04-2012 at 04:34 PM (1783 Views)
What? An entry on a Sunday? Yes, and that is because I have a computer! Basically, due to a recent breakthrough in fixing one of my broken computers, I managed to borrow one of my parents' friend's computer.
So yesterday I was bored so I turned on what we will call computer A. Computer A is the first computer I had. Computer B will be the replacement, Computer C will be the borrowed one, and Computer D will be the one I am about to get.
When my computer person brought back A when she was moving house, it was stuck on the Windows XP setup process. I tried getting it to progress through the setup, but to no avail. The setup disc in A was an older version of XP than what A originally had. So, I put in my XP disc. And it worked! Kinda.
I finished setup, and all seemed fine. I tried to setup some of my programs, but none of them would work. I tried to get the INternet hooked up, but that didn't work. Then it decided to not want to work at all. So I called it a night.
Now this morning while Dad was at church, I set the whole thing up again. This time, the some of the programs would work. Some didn't. And I still couldn't connect to the INternet. So the computer person came and looked at it. Unfortunately, she made it worse. She made it so the keyboard and mouse wouldn't work at all (just like when Computer A broke the first time). So I again set up the whole computer while she and Dad went to get a computer from her house for me to work on.
Now I am using Computer C to type this entry and do all my Internet stuff. Computer B is sitting in my floor. Computer D is still not completely paid off (two more pay checks!). And Computer A is doing a fine job as a paperweight. But I have a plan. When I get D paid off, I will use it for gaming, music, and Internet purposes. Then I will keep A for office use. Computer B will eventually gather more and more dust, or I may find a use for it if it ever gets fixed.
So, that about covers the current events. Now, to gaming.
I finished Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories last week. I totally forgot to tell you all about that in Thursday's entry. I also discovered that I had stopped playing it before right at the last mission. If I had known, I would have finished the game months ago. But at the time I couldn't defeat both Jerry and the Mendez brother. Before I would always have so little health that I would die as soon as the gunfight started. When I beat the game this time, I had full health with armor and managed to complete the mission on my first try.
Currently, I am playing Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. It makes sense, since it takes place after VCS. I am at the point in the game after you kill Diaz. Other games I have talked about have taken a seat on the back burner because I can't get through where I am in them. Chrono Trigger, FFIII, FFT:A, and anything else I have talked about before.
Anyway, since Thursday there hasn't been a lot of stuff to happen. I do my normal winter chores. I bring in firewood every evening. Dad said today that he had planned on doing it today, but he wasn't here when I did it so he missed out. I washed the dishes last night, and Dad again said that he was going to do them. He misse out, and all because he wasn't home at the time, and I was bored.
So, tomorrow is Monday, which means another boring day of office work. I think I am going to be selling ads for the coloring contest tomorrow, so it shouldn't be too bad. I prefer selling for special sections that regular display ads. Mainly because the customers don't get the chance to gripe about what goes in the actual space. I am hoping to pull some of my family's businesses in so I won't have to work so hard. And depending on the weather, I may be cleaning up some more of the shed. I still have 22 boxes of stuff that need taken to the recycling bin.