School Days...
, 08-20-2014 at 04:59 AM (500 Views)
I may not be showing it on my face, but I am really happy that school starts today. Oh, who am I kidding? Once Carma and Joey leave, I may start dancing. This has been the one of the hardest summers I have ever had, and I am glad that it is almost over. But from the looks of it, they are going to be late for school. I would hate to be late for the first day of school. Anyway, I am finally able to relax some during the day. No more constantly dealing with annoying and repetitive questions. I get to play what games I want to play. I am happy. This is the start of a 180-day long day-vacation. Yay!
And they finally left. And so, it begins.
Yesterday was an okay day. I spent the majority of it playing Tales of Xillia. Actually, I spent way too much time playing it. All that time playing, and not a single trophy was earned. I had to switch to Sleeping Dogs in order to raise my score. And for a while, it wasn't gaining me any points either. But then, the trophies were popping up all over the place. I am almost finished with the main story of the game as well. When I last checked, I was at 83.33% complete. I completed some missions after that, though. Once the story is done, I will be able to work on the little things that will keep me from getting the Platinum. Like purchasing the cars, clothes, and finding all of the collectibles of the game.
Other than that, not much has happened. And not much will happen today. I will probably spend it doing whatever I want. I like that. Anyway, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...