Why should I pretend you've made no mistakes when one is coming to visit?
, 12-20-2013 at 10:32 PM (910 Views)
My dad stopped by today. He said that his illegitimate son is coming in from wherever he's from to visit. I guess he wants to meet the family he's never met. The first thing out of my mouth was "What, do you expect me to act like we're some big happy family or something?"
Dad replied, "No."
Then in my head I thought, then why mention it. The only way I will acknowledge one giant mistake he's made in my lifetime (cheating on my mother and impregnating some woman) is if he tries to correct other big mistakes in his life (beating me and my siblings, choosing to live with another woman, and generally not caring about his actual family). It may be unreasonable of me to think that, but I am adamant on this. The last words he spoke to me before I told him I hated him, wished for his death, and him moving out for the sex was that I deserve everything I get after he beat me to the ground for speaking out on him cheating on my mother while she was still incarcerated.
So, no, I am either going to be a child about it and stay in my bedroom if Dad brings some person I don't know into MY house. Or I am going to tell whatever-his-name-is (because I can't be bothered enough to remember his name) how it is, and inform him that it's probably best to not know Dad and move on. Make him know what kind of person Dad is, and that it's not worth it to be associated with a sack-of-bad-words that the two of us are unfortunate enough to share half of our DNA with.
Because after all, I feel sorry for the kid for not knowing his father; but I feel worse for him that his father is the no good, evilness that I have known my whole life.
Moving on...
When I was at Grandma's on Thursday, she told me that my Great-aunt's son would be over on Saturday with some groceries and whatnot that his church gives away to people in need. I guess I qualify for "in need" again this year. Anyway, he came today instead.
One of the things he brought was a stuffing mix, which I ate for dinner straight from the pan this evening. I am tired of being the only one washing the dishes, especially since my brother uses most of the dishes himself. What with him having people over and feeding them, and not cleaning the dishes he uses after using them. He can't really use his normal "I earn money" defense, because it's clear that he hasn't been, since he has less money than I do and I'm nearly broke.
It rained a lot today. It was so gloomy. To keep myself busy from the gloominess, I started working on a video for the TFF Awards. Hopefully, I'm able to make it timed well to fit the possible Skype call to announce the winners. Anyway, the winners have been decided!
Well, that's all from me for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...