No, Toto, don't go!
, 12-21-2013 at 09:48 PM (625 Views)
I finally decided to buckle down and write Mom a letter. Since she is coming home next month, I figured I'd tell her what she's coming home to. I also told her what I hope will happen after she does come home. Right now it's five pages long, but I am sure I can write some more. I also plan on making copies of all of the articles I have written. I think it would have been easier if I had saved the articles on my computer rather than written them directly on the editor. And by written the articles, I mean typed. It means I wouldn't have to do all of these formatting changes to make it look presentable to my mother.
I wrote in the letter that I hope her old friends don't come around when she comes home. I think it was the old friends coming here that set Dad back to how he was before imprisonment. It made all of the classes and everything fly out of the window. I don't want to believe a whole bunch of promises and apologies, only to have them thrown away the moment one of them come here to resume their friendship. I mean, if it weren't for all of them when Dad came home, I would still have a father; and not someone I wish meet a painful demise, preferably with me watching so I can laugh.
I want to go on our daily walks again. I want to be able to play games with her again. I want someone other than all of you that read this to know what goes on in my head. As much as I enjoy letting you all know this stuff, and getting your feedback, I still only tell you 98% of it. I can tell my Mom all 100%. No offense.
The wind is really blowing tonight. It rained most of the day today, but the wind is really strong right now. I am glad the cats have the cathouse for shelter. Though, if the wind gets much stronger, I may see the cathouse fly away like Dorothy's house. The inflatable Christmas decoration across the road have caught some air. The gingerbread house must need better foundation, the snowman fell over, and the snow globe is upside down. I am not sure anyone is home there, either. I think they leave on the weekends.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...