No more updates...for now...
, 11-30-2015 at 05:21 PM (2101 Views)
Yay! The updates are finished! After what seemed like forever, they have finished. All of them. Well, until the next batch of updates at some unknown time. It was 3am this morning when they ended. I spent most of the day trying to make my way through Daggerfall in The Elder Scrolls Online. I am playing as a Breton magic user. I have gotten through a few missions, like finding a giant pig, saving a village from a spriggan army, and defeating someone trying to assassinate the king. It seems fun, and I haven't had any connection issues.
My problem with the game is that it is not completely free, like the case says. But other than that, it is really fun.
I didn't really have a specific topic I wanted to talk about for today. Just to ramble on about stuff while Joey is playing Assassin's Creed: Unity. I have been kicking butt this season in the Trophy Hunter's League. The season is nearly over, and I am in 3rd Place in the Bronze League. I have earned more points this season than the last three seasons combined. I have a couple things to thank for that. Mainly, TellTale Games. The games are easy ones for trophy acquisition. I have been playing Tales of the Borderlands and Minecraft: Story Mode. I wouldn't mind getting other games from the company, but till wait until I finish one of these first.
I managed to go the entire month without shaving. That's a first for me. Normally, I get aggravated with how it comes in two very different colors. But I avoided mirrors, and everything was A-Okay. But I will be shaving it off either right after midnight, or first thing in the morning (if I fall asleep before it becomes tomorrow).
Hmm, what else...
There's not much else that I can think of. I guess I will be back when I can think of something worth mentioning.
Well, until then...