Nier, Far, wherever you are...
, 04-19-2014 at 03:07 AM (1595 Views)
I wasn't followed on my trip to Sinking Spring this morning, because Luca kept that stray dog's attention. Maybe a bit too much of its attention. I am hoping there isn't any puppy-making going on, especially with the stray dog. I think puppies from those two would look very ugly. I asked Carma about that fence that she has in her storage unit. She said that she will go and get it, though she isn't sure how big it is. As long as it is big enough to give her some running room and prevents Jackson and the stray dog from getting to her, I will be happy. And besides, it will save me $200.
I am also not having to buy that car from Carma for Mom anymore either. Mom sent me a message today saying that her sister is going to give her one of my Aunt's old cars. So now, Mom just has to become a legal driver again. That's good, because now it is at least a start on getting back on our feet. Mom will have somewhere to sleep if she can't find a place. Of course, it is a small and cramped mobile place to rest her head, but at least it's something.
I took Luca for a walk this afternoon. Or rather, she took me for a walk this afternoon. She was so excited to be out and running around that I was glad to have my arm feel like it was being ripped off. I just hope the fence is a nice size. I don't like her wrapping the chain she's on around my ankles. They hurt a lot after she did that to me every time I visited her.
Nier arrived today. I really like it. Especially the music. Song of the Ancients is a great song.
I had the song on repeat for probably two hours today. I did have a small problem with the gameplay at first. You see, I got a Game Over in the first battle. This hasn't happened in years, and I don't remember what game it was that I last got a Game Over so early. Oh well. I got through it. The story is nice as well, from what I know of it. I definitely like it more than the original Drakengard game.
Well, that's all for now. I won't be online much today. We are having the drywall guy come and put up a couple walls. And because the walls that are getting up are the ones where the Internet hook-up is, I won't have access today. In fact, after I post this and check up on everything, I have to unhook everything downstairs and move it away from the wall so the workers can get to the wall.
Anyway, I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...