So that's what you were playing...
, 06-29-2014 at 04:45 AM (688 Views)
I was given the job of watching the boys while Carma slept. It was so much fun! In case you are new to reading this, that was sarcasm. I hated almost every second of it. Especially the part where Joey directly disobeyed me and started rough-housing with Jackson, because he thinks he can despite my several warnings not to. At the point, I shut down and went outside. By 5:30pm, I had enough of it, and told the boys to stop playing in my room and go somewhere else. It worked for four hours, and they came back to ask to play at 9:24pm. By then it was their bedtime, and so they didn't get their way. I won't be letting them play today either. Joey has to learn that while Carma is not here or is sleeping, I am in charge. And that means he can't do what he wants.
My copy of Tales of Symphonia Chronicles arrived today. When I finally got a chance to play, I realized that I had seen someone play this game before. I think it was one of the games I watched GypsyElder stream on her twitch channel one day. I had no idea of the game's title back then, but now I know.
Carma found her other laptop computer in one of the containers that were upstairs during the big cleanup we did. She had me set it up and connect it to the Wi-Fi here. Then she scanned it and cleaned it up. It wouldn't be until almost midnight when it was finished.
Mom sent me a message last night, saying that her ex-boyfriend/stalker had been sending her tens of messages again. After looking for ways to block his number, which included her looking it up in the manual and me chatting with the phone company, we ended up changing her phone number. After it was all complete, she sent me another message. She said that the guy would be coming to talk to me on Thursday. She told me that if he comes near me to call her. I told her that I would call the police if he did. I didn't like him when they two of them were together, and I still don't like him now. Why I would I let someone I don't like talk to me? I don't even let my own father talk to me, so some stranger that is harassing my Mom on the phone has no chance of conversing with me.
And that's about it. My plans for today are unknown to me. I think we will be cleaning up the downstairs some and getting it ready for the new furniture that is coming. In my free time, I will try and work on my Skyrim save file. I think I will do the Dawnguard story today. Or maybe some of the little quests in the Miscellaneous section. Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...