The Newest Geomancer
, 07-26-2013 at 09:06 PM (945 Views)
I decided to ride to Sinking Spring earlier than usual this morning. The reason being the newest Eat Your Kimchi live chat started at 8am today. Normally, I leave the house at 8, and get back home sometime before 9. But today I wanted to watch the entire stream live so I left at 7am instead. And I am so glad I did because it was so much fun to watch. My favorite part was when Simon and Martina put a whole pouch of Pop Rocks in their mouth at once. The faces they gave alone was worth waking up earlier.
A majority of the day was spent playing Dark Cloud. I am still on the first town, but I am getting the hang of everything. If I die or break a weapon, I just restart. A couple times I nearly broke my only weapon at the time and was without any repair powders. I found out I could in those instances use the Escape Powder and leave the dungeon with no consequences. Now though, I have four weapons, and I make sure not to break them. I personally don't like the concept of having your weapons break on you. It makes it just one more thing I have to worry about. And when I am playing as someone trying to save the world, the last thing I want to worry about is if my weapon is going to hold out when I need it to.
I also played Osu! multiplayer today. I had a highly contested battle with someone ranked 10,000 above me. Every song the final scores would be so close. During each song we would trade the top spot. One second he'd be ahead, the next I would. In the end, I didn't win a single song. I came close every time though. The closest being only 127 points behind; and considering we each scored more than 900,000 points, 127 is not much at all. Despite all of those losses, I had a lot of fun going up against him. I also acquired several songs I have never heard of before.
One sad thing I learned today was that practically everyone on osu! had the Gangnam Style song already loaded in their profiles. Imagine my embarassment when the other people I was up against at the time had to wait for me to download the beatmap. And of course, my computer thought it would be better to take its time in getting it. You know you're in a bad spot when people are making jokes about you in three languages (today it was French, Russian, and German). Don't get me wrong, I like the song. Just not enough to already have it saved on my computer for playing. I like Gentleman and Right Now much better. I highly doubt so many people would like Gangnam Style if they would take the time to translate it. Most jumped on the bandwagon not because of it being K-Pop, but because of the dance and the things that occur during the video.
And that's probably the main reason most people were disappointed with Gentleman. It was still out there in terms of zany things happening within the video, but it wasn't as visually appealing as Gangnam Stlye.
While I am talking about K-Pop, f(x) released their newest single.
English Lyrics:
I like how they are better distributing the lines of each of the performers. Sulli and Victoria (the official leader) normally get the short end of the stick when it comes to the amount they sing. Sulli is more there for visuals than singing or dancing, and Victoria has a background in dance. And Amber got her usual rap section, and even broke out a higher note than usual at the end of the song.
The outfits were as crazy as ever. However, there are some colors that don't suit some people. Kool-Aid Red does not suit Krystal at all. And Luna looks better with anything other the jet black she had for this video.
The dance is simpler than usual, it gives off a T-Ara (a group with a ton of songs with simple and imitatable dances) vibe in the simplicity of it. Maybe it was the outfits they were in that hindered any advanced moves. Their live performance the other day used the school girl outfits they wore in the video.
All in all, it wasn't their best, but it was still a good song. I didn't like it the first time I listened to it, but I have grown to like it with each listen)
One song I do like listening to a lot lately is Crayon Pop's Bar Bar Bar.
English lyrics:
It is a simple, fun song that is extremely catchy. The group isn't as popular as Girl's Generation or 2NE1; but with more songs like this one, they are bound to gain popularity. If you know of any songs that I should listen to, feel free to leave a comment and I may talk about them in a future music themed blog entry.
Well, that's all for now. I still haven't typed today's entry for my gaming blog, and it is already the next day. So, I know what I'll be doing after this is posted. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...