New Work
, 11-25-2013 at 11:22 PM (690 Views)
Shortly after midnight last night, I received a message saying that I was accepted as the newest member of the main site staff over Enix Origin. So now I am writing news articles, reviews, and other pieces over there. Originally, I wasn't going to apply until after New Year's, because I wanted some new outlet once my blog ended. But then a couple days ago, I figured why not apply now and try it out. That way I could do both the blog and write for the site. If I didn't like writing for the site, I could just start another blog next year (which I can still do). And then I heard a response much sooner than expected, and was quickly thrown into the world of website content creating.
After a crash course on how to make it how the boss wants it, I finally went to bed (3am). Then this morning when I woke up, I began stalking the Square Enix blog and news section. And now my first article has been public for three hours now.
But anyway, I won't be linking to the article here. It doesn't seem right (and probably isn't). If all goes well though, I may be travelling to events and whatnot, so there's a chance I'll see some people from here at conventions and things (looking over in LocoColt04's direction).
My plan to be more active in the forum sections here is still on. I did post...a couple times...! It will take some getting used to. I've been dependent on the blog/journal section for way too long. My average number of posts per day is 1.05. And as you all know, I'm not fond of the spammy threads. The only forum game/wordgame thread I participated the most in was the Member Elimination thread. If I'm going to post something, I'm going to put lots of thought in it (most times too much thought in it). I think the only way I will post more is if I play more Final Fantasy games. And that's a win-win really. I have fun play a game, and then I have fun writing stuff about a game. You know, I did feel an urge to play Final Fantasy X-2 when I was posting in the Trivia thread today. I could start there.
I finally convinced my brother to play a video game today. It took a lot of leg pulling. He was at my door just standing there. I asked him if he wanted to play something when he said that he was bored. When he said no, I told him that I could make it really nice for him to play. I said that he could play in his room on his bed. Since he worked hard today and wanted to relax, he agreed that it wouldn't hurt to play a little on his bed. So, I set him up with a profile on my PS3 and even made him a PSN account. Then I removed the PS3 from my room and hooked it up in his. I learned that his television is much better than the ones in my room. You can actually read what all the little letters are when you play Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2012). Then at 9pm, my brother came back to my room and asked if I wanted the PS3 back tonight. I said I didn't need it, and that I'd just get it tomorrow, or whenever. If I can convince him of it, I may get him to do some online matches. If that happens, I'll try and get Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima to play against him.
While my brother was playing, I was conducting my first interview. It was with an artist and aspiring manga writer Zac Garmon. It's for an article I'm working on. And other than that, I did the normal things I do every day. I fed the animals, brought firewood in, and kept the fire going. The only new thing I do that you all don't know about is that I have to let Not-So-Mega once in a while in order to get him to stop crying at my window. He cries so loud when he wants in, and then purrs so loud when he's actually in.
One last bit of news to report. I am wearing one of the shirts my brother gave me a few days ago. Aren't they supposed to be called hand-me-downs, and not hand-me-ups? Shouldn't I be the one giving him clothes? I can't wear his pants (my legs are too long), but his shirts fit me fine. Probably too fine, because I feel like I'm in a tent. If he wasn't so broad-shouldered, he could wear normal shirts. Anyway, he doesn't wear white shirts, and I mostly wear white shirts (it makes my tan look darker). So, he gets a neater wardrobe, and I get clothes without pictures or stupid phrases on them. Another win-win!
Well, that's all from me for now. It has just started to snow. I have already put a blanket over the bottom of the front door to keep the cold out, and now I am off to check the fire in the wood stove. After that, I will probably just sleep near the fire again. It's cozy there, and I don't have to worry about my brother waking me up with his bedroom light shining in my face. No, I have to worry about him waking me up with the kitchen light shining in my face. Anyway, I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...