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The Michael Swayne Story V: King of his Castle

Hail Sithis!

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I have completed the Dark Brotherhood storyline in Skyrim. I really liked it. It had me feeling both anger and pity by the end of it. I liked this Dark Brotherhood story much better than the one in Oblivion, especially when I had access to Lucian. That voice of his, it's so creepy. But it fits so well with the Dark Brotherhood. Anyway, by the end of it I was at Level 10. Now it will be pretty much like the Companions, and I will get jobs from time to time to complete.

As I look at the trophy list for Skyrim, I see that I still have the Thieves Guild missions to complete. And after that, I need to pick a side in the war and either join the Legion or the Stormcloaks. Other than that, it's just a bunch of random things (find the Standing Stones, 1000 Bounty, get married, etc.). I am not too worried about those too much.

I received the Replacement plan download today in my e-mail. So if my new bike were to break for any reason, I can get a replacement. As for my new bike, it should arrive by the end of the day on Tuesday. I checked the tracking on it. My brother went ahead and welded the pedal back onto my other bike. I hope it holds. Of course, I won't be riding it long distances at first. Maybe just to Sinking Spring on Fridays or something.

I got a message today from Iris, asking me to check out her new computer and install some programs on it for her. I am fine with that, but finding a day to do it is difficult. I am only in town on Thursdays, and she said Thursdays are not possible because she has class that day. I don't want to take a special trip to town, because it is cold again (yesterday was so nice and warm). Especially if this is considered a friend thing. I am not going out in the cold for a friend just to install programs on a computer. If this was a colleague thing instead, and I was getting paid for the time, then I would brave a blizzard to install them. I don't know.

The snow was almost completely melted here, but now the ground has about two inches on it. It is forecast that we'll get another 4-6 overnight tonight. My brother will be driving to Xenia tomorrow with Dad, but that may be called off because of the weather. I know what I will be doing tomorrow. Staying in and playing video games. I will only go outside for important things, like feeding the animals or bringing in firewood.

Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...



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  1. loaf's Avatar
    Good luck with the Thieves Guild Trophy, you have to do a lot of side missions, but it's fun to do them!

    The Dark Brotherhood was probably the best storyline of Skyrim I feel, the 3 times I've done that story, I've enjoyed it every time.
  2. Dawezy's Avatar
    ~a hell of alot of side missions.

  3. loaf's Avatar
    You'll get really close to the 100,000 gold Trophy.
  4. Michael Swayne's Avatar
    That's good, because I do need the 100,000 gold trophy as well. I'm not keen on side quests though.
  5. loaf's Avatar
    There are ways to make it go quicker, it wasn't that bad. Maybe a day or two of just doing stuff for the Guild.