A new season has started...
, 11-05-2014 at 08:29 AM (896 Views)
I had a bit of scare over the weekend. Carma's daughter said that she wants to move back in. This put me in a bit of panic, because I didn't know whether or not I would still be allowed to stay. I mean, if she moves in, then there isn't any reason for me to stay, because she can do everything I can. Plus, she has two kids, and that would mean it would be a bit more cramped in here. Anyway, over the weekend I was nervous, waiting for Carma to tell me to pack my stuff.
But that moment never came. She said that it won't be until after New Year's Day, because that's when she'll be able to get the protection order taken off. Until then, I will be cleaning up the upstairs rooms and getting them ready for them to come. I will be allowed to stay. The whole situation also made Mom get nervous as well. She was worried I would kicked out and with no place to go.
Moving on...
Luca is pregnant. She is really putting on the weight. So, it's only a matter of time until there will be puppies running around the yard.
The fifth season of the Trophy Hunters League has started. My opponent is the Australian gamer jarethgeason. So far, I am in the lead with a score of 6-0. This season is also the start of a single-elimination tournament linked with the 9-match league. In the tournament, my first round opponent is Mah2c, one of the players I faced during Season 4. Or rather, one of the players I gave a win to during Season 4. Anyway, in that match, I am currently in the lead 6-3.
And then for my own enjoyment, I am keeping track of the player's scores and compiling them for a country vs. country comparison. You know, seeing which country scores the most on average. I even went back through the older season's to see which countries performed the best. Here's what I found:
Season 1
Position Country Avg. Score 1st South Africa 551 2nd Canada 481 3rd Netherlands 477 4th United Kingdom 443 5th United States 424 6th Belgium 346 7th Spain 251
Season 2
Position Country Avg. Score 1st Canada 861 2nd Netherlands 374 3rd Spain 343 4th South Africa 336 5th United States 334 6th United Kingdom 295 7th Belgium 233 8th Thailand 42
Season 3
Position Country Avg. Score 1st France 489 2nd Netherlands 443 3rd Canada 404 4th United Kingdom 394 5th Germany 367 6th Belgium 338 7th United States 310 8th Spain 300 9th Poland 291 10th Australia 285 11th South Africa 249 12th Italy 202
Season 4
Position Country Avg. Score 1st New Zealand 540 2nd Netherlands 494 3rd Ireland 468 4th Canada 397 5th South Africa 391 6th United Kingdom 360 7th Poland 353 8th United States 294 9th Australia 267 10th Spain 196 11th Belgium 162 12th Finland 131 13th Germany 65 14th Italy 36
There are 13 countries represented in this season's competition.
- Austalia
- Belgium
- Canada
- Finland
- Germany
- Ireland
- Netherlands
- New Zealand
- Poland
- South Africa
- Spain
- United Kingdom
- United States
It's not like it really matters. It is just something I'm doing for the fun of it.
And...I think that's it for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...