A New Plan
, 06-24-2013 at 07:50 PM (841 Views)
I didn't do a lot of gaming today. I didn't sleep well, and I was too tired all day to do much of anything. I blame my cats. The three of them took up most of the bed, and they were sleeping so cutely that I couldn't bear to wake them and have them move over. So I slept on my couch again. Then Itsy Bitsy woke me up to go outside, even though I left my window open so I wouldn't have to let them out.
Anyway, the only gaming-type thing I did today was type up a list of my video games. I am planning to really buckle down starting July 1, 2013 to finish as many games as possible. I have 162 playable games (where discs and cartridges that have multiple games count as one, otherwise the list is more than 100 games longer than it is now), and I have only finished 72 of them so far in my life.
So starting next Monday, I am going to try and finish my entire collection. I am also going to try and record my progress each day, whether in vlog, blog, or other for of recording device.
That's why I am trying to get my video capture card to work. I am having a little trouble with it, but that's nothing new. Anyway, all else, I can always just point my webcam at the screen or use my cell phone to take pictures of things.
If you want, feel free to pick what game I play. As I said, I have 162 playable games plus 27 playable classic Sega games (Sega Genesis Collection), 84+ Atari games (Atari Anthology), and several other compilation games. Leave a comment down below with a number from 1 to 162. I won't say how the games are listed, but you probably have an idea of what games I have.
Anyway, this is a great opportunity to use that blog I mentioned a while back that I have over on Google whatever its name is. I haven't started it, so I may as well start it now. It is called "The 6-Month Gaming Challenge" right now, but that will change. If you want, you can read it by clicking here. I will be making an intro post either tonight or within the week to get everything ready. I will also be making a more complete list of video games to post there. That way you can pick and choose.
Simple Math:
A rough estimate brings the total amount of games I could possibly play to 307. That means my completion percentage is much lower than the 44.4% I claimed to have. It's potentially 23.4% or lower. I feel like such a slacker.
Anyway, I have no idea if it's possible to subscribe to blogspot blogs, so I guess just click here every day starting July 1, 2013 for a new gaming entry.
This does not mean that I will stop talking about gaming stuff here. I will just talk briefly about it each day, and refer you to the gaming blog for a more detailed explanation. But don't worry. I will only be talking gaming stuff in the other blog. This blog here on TFF will still be one of the places you can read about my very exciting life (or you could just friend me on Facebook and get an up to the minute account of it, if that's what gets you motor running).
It looks like I am about to win a copy of Xenosaga III! I hope so, because I am looking forward to completing the set. I still haven't finished either of the first two episodes, so basically I am just getting this to add to my already pitiful list of games I need to play. It will give me another thing to do in the next six months.
What else happened today? I nearly broke my knee when my brother slammed a small trailer on it. I was trying to help him flip it over to dump out what the trailer was carrying, and just as I get my hands on it to help, he changes his mind and drops the trailer. I fell backwards, and my knee gets some scrapes and scratches.
Then I dropped a plate and broke it in two pieces. This was a plate our family has had for a lot longer than I have been here. Mom will not be pleased that I broke one of the few things of her mother's that is still in this world. Actually, it's not that big of a deal. As long as the "My Buddy" doll still lives, Mom doesn't care about a plate. In case you are wondering what I am talking about...
this is one of my mother's most prized possessions. Well, not this one. The one Nana bought for me has blonde hair, but the outfit is the same. The doll was in our family a few weeks before I was born, so I kind of have an older brother.
And as you probably know, these dolls were popular at the same as the Child's Play movies. One story told by my parents is that one night back when I was still crawling, and after Mom and Dad had seen one of the films, I nearly scared Mom to death by bringing Buddy (the name he was given, and you ask why I am so creative with names) up on their bed by slowly lifting him up and over the edge of the bed. Mom apparently looked at the edge of her bed and saw this doll poking his head and body over the edge, getting closer and closer to her and Dad. She started screaming bloody murder. Then I cried.
I don't remember doing this, but if I were to guess, I would say that Buddy wanted to sleep in bed with his parents and he was too afraid to go alone so I went along with him. Simple.
Tomorrow I am working in the office. It is also going to be a rainy day possibly, and hot. That's always something I love to be, a wet cyclist (who is wet because of sweat and rain) trying to build a newspaper in my little cubby hole. Other than that, I have no plans.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...