So far, so good.
, 06-01-2013 at 08:18 PM (748 Views)
The next election cycle began for King of the Web today. I was actually asleep when it began. I have been tired all day, and told myself to only nap for twenty minutes so I could be awake when it began. The nap lasted forty minutes, and I immediately thought that people would already be so far ahead that there would be no way for me to catch up.
I am currently in second place with 1,076 votes in the Gaming Category. For a while I was in first place, but I was recently overtaken by some Romanian. There was actually a bit of a misunderstanding after I took the lead. Someone was claiming that I was cheating, because I had so many votes but so few YouTube subscribers and Twitter followers. Here's what he posted in the public gaming forum:
I hate when people assume something about me that isn't true. I have said several times here that when someone does this, I try my best to not make them liars. This time, however, that would mean I'd have to break the rules of the contest, and I can't do that. So, I sent him a private message telling him of the truth of what I did.Originally Posted by Multiple accounts to vote?
I then took what this person wrote to my advantage and clarified it with the rest of the would-be voters.Originally Posted by Me
Basically, this was a clean-up tactic that I had to do in order to gain back would-be voters. The thread has been quite popular since it was made. I actually had two versions of the public posting typed up. But the first was a bit angry. The second seemed to work perfectly! Here's the response:Originally Posted by Me...again
Anyway, since that post I received about 100 more votes! Things right now are going well in the contest, but it has only seven hours. There's still 13.5 days until the end of the election.Originally Posted by Guy who didn't know any better
Allow me to appeal to you all again. I ask that you head over to my contest profile page and vote for me. Each day you get ten votes per category and if you fill the vote meter you receive an extra 10 "Votes Earned" votes to be used wherever you want. So, that's twenty votes you could give me each day. Then, if I win, I share the winnings with all who helped me. Simple.
Here's my latest video.
I am surprised that it passed the review and didn't have any third-party content. I guess because Hatsune Miku is a public entity, no one can actually claim monetization due to it being an original piece. The song would probably have been flagged if it had represented an anime like the one for Black Rock shooter. Wait, I just checked my Dashboard and I could receive monetization for the Black Rock Shooter video I made. Maybe I should.
As I said at the beginning, I have been tired all day. Any chance I got I would stay in bed. Watching YouTube videos, stay in bed. Upload YouTube video, stay in bed. Play video games, stay in bed. The only time I wasn't on my bed was when I fed the animals, and...well, that's all. Up until 3:30pm, I made no attempt at doing anything that involved leaving my bed. After that, I had King of the Web, and evening animal feeding, and just general need to not be in bed.
I found and played some new songs in Osu!, even earning a Top 10 spot in one on my first try. I am now ranked #1,802 in the country, and #36,459 in the world in osu!mania. I could probably get a higher rank if I played a wider range of songs. Or increased the difficulty a little more. Or a number of other things that the FAQ said one could do to increase their rank.
I am doing a spur of the moment multiplayer match on a Britney Spears song right now. I won by more than 300,000 points. Next up is a Nightcore song. I also won that one with a near-perfect score.
I tried to work on finishing Final Fantasy XIII today. Well, a weak try at it. I got frustrated after five minutes and turned off the PS3. And Fallout 3 wasn't any better. I am just bored with it now. I went and started a new game, but I decided to quit before I was even out of the womb. The only thing I stuck with today was Ni No Kuni. I am now on my way to some place out in a desert. My familiars and I are all around Level 13. After I post this I will most likely go back to it. I really like this game.
Speaking of games, I am thinking of Pre-Ordering the PS3 version of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. Though I wasn't able to play it during the demo weekend, it should be ready for playing when it comes out for real on PS3. I just hope that any monthly fees will be cheap enough for me to have fun whenever I want to play.
Well, that's all for now. I have been working on this entry for about two hours, but I keep getting distracted with good multiplayer songs on Osu!. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...