Toying with me.
, 06-03-2013 at 07:29 PM (666 Views)
Scroll down to the bottom of this entry to see my latest YouTube video.
I asked about getting more office time. I was told that it would be discussed. Just like last week. It's nearing the point where I just don't care about it anymore. Which is really bad of me. I love working there, but this whole working one day each week in the office is more like annoying bike ride than a way to better myself professionally. The least they could do is tell me when this "temporary situation" is going to end, because it seems like it is going to be permanent as the weeks go by. Oh well. I said I was going to ask, and I did. Now I just have to wait. But waiting really sucks when it is something this important.
Anyway, here's what I did today. Yay for making things that list a lot of over-priced food!
This is a takeout version of the in-house menu I worked on recently. It is in the client proofing phase right now. Personally, I don't like it. There was just too much information that needed to be listed, that I had to squish everything as best I could. If there hadn't been so many ads to put on there, then the information would fit better. But we have to have the ads on there. Only because they have already been billed and we can't give them back their money because I want to make the menu information stand out more. Making these special products is not like building the newspaper. In the newspaper, the ads take preference. So there can only be news in a newspaper if there are ads to pay for it. With special products, the information on the piece is only slightly more important than the ads (it's like 51% for the information to 49% for the ads). The focus is on the information, but the ads still have a big enough pull to not be disposable. It's sucks, but that's the way it is.
One more bit of news about newspapers. The editor at our competition is retiring. I am not sure the other staff members know about it. After all, they only look at the ads so they know where to call to earn money. It's not really important that I know this. But there are a couple things I can do with this information. I can...
a) apply to work their as an ad composer. The paper is much farther away, but as the editor of their main competition I would naturally have more experience on how to make ads.
b) make a convincing story to help sway the higher ups to keep me around by giving me more office time. I don't care about making more per hour, but as long as I have more work time I still would earn more than I do now.
Maybe I will just hint that I have an interest in the new opening at the other paper. This may light a fire under the boss and get the ball rolling on giving me more office time.
Moving on...
I am still in 6th Place in Gaming King. I have 1,508 votes. The top 10 contestants in my category have already made a big gap between 10th and 11th Place that it is almost a guarantee that I will finish in the Top 10. There's also a big gap between 5th and 6th that it is almost a guarantee on who will be in which part of the Top 10. Right now, there are 689 votes between 5th and 6th, and 363 votes between 10th and 11th.
Remember to vote for me by clicking here. Each vote helps me out by keeping my channel where it will be noticed most, the first page. More specifically, above the ads. Lower than 10th place, and people have to scroll down to find contestants. That's why it is important to get the lazy vote. The higher up you are on the page, the less work the lazies have to do and the more likely you will get their votes.
Tomorrow I am planning on playing Osu! and Ni No Kuni. I may attempt finishing Final Fantasy XIII, but I think we know how that will go. It's the classic I am so close to finishing that I don't feel like actually finishing the game. Since I know what happens from having played the game a few years ago, what's the point of finishing it again now (other than the obvious trophy and whatnot). I have no plans until Thursday, so you never know.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...