A New Character
, 06-02-2013 at 07:18 PM (1050 Views)
I met the second party member in Ni No Kuni today. I don't have much of an opinion of her. I saved right after she joined the party, so all I know about her is that she had her heart closed off so no other pieces of it could have been taken.
Today was a quiet day of gaming and YouTube. I am trying to watch all of the Eat Your Kimchi videos. They are quite funny. There's only two more years of videos to watch.
In Gaming King, I have dropped in rank. I am now in 6th Place with 1,377 votes. In the last day there have been a few new entrants. I mean completely new, not only to this election but to all of King of the Web. Three of the five people higher than I have never competed before. They seem to have had the same idea I had about saving up votes for a long time. But everything is fine. I knew the chance of me winning was low, so I have a backup plan in case I fall below tenth place. Someone I am working with has 700+ votes saved up but won't use them unless I fall below 10th Place. She accessed a Power Up for this election that gives her votes double the amount when used on contestants below 10th. Not only that, it shortens her voting meter, meaning she need only cast forty votes instead of fifty to get 10 bonus votes.
For this second day of the election cycle, I uploaded this video to my channel. I have found that I perform better in songs when I am not recording. The lag from running my recording software as well as Osu! causes me to miss a lot more than when I just play. I thought of just recording the replays, but it doesn't seem authentic. For instance, there is a big ticker-type text box that runs across the screen saying that it is just a replay. So I have been trying to adapt to the lag.
Where my rank in Gaming King has decreased, my rank in Osu! has increased. I am now #24,817 in the world and #1,215 in the country. Today I made it a point to go up against people in multiplayer that were ranked higher than myself, and try and do better than them.
The formula to increase your rank is, for some reason, a big secret to the players. What information the creators provided is that it combines your rank average for each song you play, and factor in your accuracy, combo amounts, as well as a weighted number based on song difficulty. That's why if you were to look up my ranking you would see that there are several people who have played fewer songs and yet have a higher rank.
I have the feeling that I will be working on our Father's Day brochure tomorrow at work. That's fine with me. Hopefully I get some news on when I will be getting more office time. This one day per week is really making me consider looking for work elsewhere.
Tomorrow is also the start of a graphic design contest I entered. I entered to give myself some extra practice with designing ads. Since I am still a little afraid of using photo editing programs, I figure entering would be a way for me to force myself into getting more acquainted with it. And since I don't want to do something without there being anything in it for me, this contest came at the right time. I was not going to practice at home for no reason.
I think my fridge is not getting liquids cold enough. Maybe it's just the heat in the house that makes it seem like liquids could be colder. I noticed it with the milk in my cereal this morning and again now with the cup of juice I am drinking. The soda I had with dinner didn't count because I had ice in the cup and couldn't tell a difference.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...