My skin is so dry from all this winter!
, 01-25-2014 at 09:36 PM (800 Views)
Today I spent the majority of the day playing Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy XIII-2. I wanted to make sure I had save files of both games, so when Lightning Returns comes out I will have those other outfits to use. I spent the morning playing XIII, and the afternoon playing XIII-2. And then this evening, I downloaded all of the DLC for XIII-2. I purchased the DLC Bundle pack and then the items that weren't available in the Bundle. I don't consider it breaking my New Year's resolution, because I didn't buy a game. I just bought extra content for a game. Which is probably worse. Oh well. It wouldn't be a New Year's resolution if it wouldn't be broken.
Mom made pancakes for breakfast, and then we had a breakfast dinner for dinner tonight. It was eggs, sausage, and hash browns. I couldn't finish either meal, because I put too much on my plate both times. It just means that Luca will have a special treat tomorrow.
The snow and wind today were brutal. There was so much snow on the deck today, that I had to shovel a path off the deck in order to get the back door open. And the wind just blew what I shoveled right back where it was. My brother got his lawn mower and pushed the snow away from the garage using his snow blade. He said that it was about too much snow to be using the lawn mower. I am tired of the snow, and wind, and cold, and winter in general.
This evening after dinner Mom and I talked about my bike trips to the places I went this year. I told her of my trip to Hillsboro to get my ID card, video games, and Taco Bell; and my trip through the woods when I rode to my high school and got lost while looking for my friend's house. She then told me stories of her and her friends and the guards at the prison.
Eventually, the wintry weather will let up for a moment. I hope it's soon.
Well, that's about it for this entry. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...