My phone's working again, but Mom's...
, 06-01-2014 at 04:43 AM (732 Views)
...isn't. I set her phone up for Auto-refill each month. But some glitch in the system didn't refill it. So it looks like I will have to go and buy a StraightTalk card and put it on her phone. I figured something like this would happen, and I should have prepared for it. But I believed in the system to automatically put service days on Mom's phone. I hope she doesn't get mad at me for this, and that she is understanding. Her phone is her link with us kids. Since we are all separated, she doesn't have instant access to us. So her phone is her most important asset right now.
I finished Branch B of Drakengard 3 yesterday. It turns out that it doesn't go back to the original story once the Branch reaches its end. In fact, when you reach the end of the Branch, you reach the end of the game. All I will say on the topic is that I like how Branch B ended compared to Branch A. Now it is on to Branch C. I tried starting it once already, but the enemies defeated me in the very last area of Branch C, Verse 1. And I didn't want to go through all of that again, so I just stopped playing. But you know, there is one advantage of persevering when you die in the game. If you die during a Verse and choose to continue, the enemies will become easier to defeat. It's like the game makes it easier to complete when you die.
Yesterday we had a couple of mine and Joey's cousins over to play. We rode bicycles, and in the end, took turns playing Grand Theft Auto IV. I only got one turn, though. I was very tired, and didn't really feel like playing. I was glad when they finally left, because Joey calmed down and I got to rest.
To prepare for the birthday party, I finished the mowing. I figured out how to put the belt that turns the blades back on. Now Carma won't have to pay someone to do it. I am becoming the regular fixer-upper now. Wouldn't Dad be so pleased? After Carma came home from work, I put away the groceries while she watched Joe ride his bike. Then I kept him busy while Carma cleaned one of the rooms. After that, I carried the lawn furniture out to the front yard for the party. Then, we moved some furniture around in the house. We also put Joey's dirt bike thing on the charger to get it ready for the party. I will be glad when it is out of my closet.
Well, the plan today is to make Joey a birthday card, because I still haven't gotten around to it. Then I guess I will be on watch duty to make sure the birthday boy doesn't go where he shouldn't until it is time for the party. I may get some gaming time in. Since I don't want to join in on the festivities, I will try and spend my time in my room. I mean, I don't know all of these people that are showing up today. And if they are related to me, then there's a chance that I don't like them.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...