My day was great up until two second ago.
, 05-26-2013 at 07:33 PM (752 Views)
I am getting sick and tired of my brother bringing his "girlfriend" and her kid here to stay the night. Does he not think that maybe the other inhabitants of this house want to sleep without hearing some infant crying all night?
Oh, but Michael, people like who they like, and they want to be with them as much as possible. I get that, but there is always her place that they can go to instead of here. There are motels, hotels, campgrounds, outside under the stars, anywhere else but here. There is a level of consideration you have to take with people you are sharing a house with, and he is not understanding that. I had roommates when I would spend summers in college dorms, and they were nothing like my brother.
I gathered up the phone messages for my brother when he got back and gave them to him. When he came to my room and asked when the people called, I snapped back and said "The times are on the papers!" He replied:
"You don't have to yell. What is your problem?"
When I told him, he said to shut the F-word up. That's when I brought out the age-old classic "Why don't you make me?!" I love that phrase. It really gets under my family's skin. It makes their blood boil. They know that I won't back down when I say that. There is just no way they can win at that point. Basically, I draw the line and poke and prod them to cross it. Sometimes they manage to control themselves, but they usually cross it. It's so fun!
Anyway, I won't be getting a lot of sleep tonight. I may have to fight fire with water and drown out their noise with some of my own. They brought it on themselves, after all. I have been nice (more than nice actually), and when nice doesn't work; that's when you have to beat it in their heads (not physically, that's against the law). I have enough K-Pop to last six hours on Spotify just itching to be listened to at full volume. Then, I will retreat to my closet and sleep. They won't have any choice but to submit.
Evil schemes are fun! Moving on...
I finished Catherine today. I took a break from it again because I couldn't get past the third sphere of Empireo. Today when I played, the towers were like simple flights of stairs. I had very little trouble with the last few stages. I am glad to be finished with the story. I guess I got the "good" ending. It was...good, I guess.
I also did some cleaning on my PS3's hard drive. I got rid of my TES IV: Oblivion stuff. I haven't played it in a long time, and there doesn't seem to be much point of having both it and Fallout 3 stuff on there. Since they are major memory hogs, I only really need one at a time. I also got rid of several GTA IV saves I had extra. I have the completed story still on there, because I have a lot of progress done with the extras. That and there are still a lot of trophies I need to collect.
I watched the finale episode of Saki: Achiga-hen Episode of Side A today. It was great! It makes me want the next season of Saki to be here already. I read that it will be another mah-jong team taking the spotlight for the upcoming season. Which makes sense, because there are four spots in the finals, and three teams have been decided. I have a feeling that the new team will be linked to the Kiyosumi team in some way, just like how Achiga (childhood friends of Haramura's) and Shiraitodai (Teru Miyanaga is the sister of Kiyosumi's Saki Miyanaga). Anyway, it was surprising to see it air, because the articles I read said that it would be aired until May 31. Now I just have to wait until summer of 2014 for the third season to start. I guess I could read the manga when it comes out, but I don't really like manga. I read enough as it is, so reading for fun has lost its appeal.
It only took them from the time I started this entry to the time I am typing this sentence for them to get the hint that my brother's girlfriend and her child have overstayed their welcome. They left, and I didn't even have to employ Spotify to assist me in their removal. I guess I have the "I don't want you here" vibe pulsing throughout the house. Well 4 of the last 6 nights is too much. Especially when you don't consult the other people living here on what they think.
Not that I need to defend myself (because I feel you all know what I would do if I was in my brother's situation); but if I did have a girlfriend-type person that I wanted to have stay over, I would most definitely ask my brother and Dad and the rest of my family if it was alright to do so. It would be disrespectful toward them otherwise. Besides, just because I like the person doesn't mean that the rest of my family does (I actually haven't found anything wrong with my brother's fling-girl, other than she can't control her child's banshee crying, and the smell of my brother's room after they leave in the mornings). But other than that, she seems really nice.
Anyway, it looks like I have the house to myself tonight! Well, the cats and myself. U is still limping a bit, but he is starting to put his weight on his paw. I poured peroxide on it this morning to help bring whatever was still in the wound out, and he didn't like that much. He kicked the bottle as it neared his leg, and spilled most of what I had left on the floor. The second time around, I managed to pour a little on the wound. Then I cleaned up the mess. I learned that my freshly clean towel I laid down to help soak up any mess makes peroxide fizz up (a sign that it's infected). Maybe they didn't get hot enough in the washer and dryer?
I just found out that I don't actually work tomorrow. Normally, national holidays don't apply to our company's staff. I sent a message and was told that I will work on Tuesday instead. I won't tell my brother this (he just pulled back in the driveway). It doesn't look like my plan worked. They are all here. Yay! I guess I will get to play really loud music after all.
Actually, I don't want to be the reason the kid cries more. I may have an evil, evil mind, but I am not cruel (to children under 13 years of age, or animals). I will just deal with it. Thankfully, my brother has to be at his job (fixing someone's truck) at 8am. That means I only have to deal with it for nine hours, twenty minutes. The job is just down the road where I live, so my brother won't require a long commute.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...