The more I look at it, the more I hate it.
, 03-05-2013 at 07:34 PM (679 Views)
In an attempt to procrastinate and not type the three pages of court news, I am typing this entry. After all, why should I give these law breakers any more of attention that they have already been given because they broke a law. Actually, it is just really REALLY small letters, and I think they type it out that small because they enjoy the thought of someone having to type so people can read it. Seriously, I have the feeling that the original typist used big enough font to read it. And then that person sized it as small as possible just to make people angry. And it is so long! Six pages, single space.
Imagine if you had to read one of my blog entries like this. It would probably not be fun. And you know how long my entries can be at times. Yeah, if it was on topic that interested you then you probably wouldn't care too much. But court news is so boring. I don't care that this person was fined $96 for speeding, or that this other person has two years of community service. But because some people want to know what crimes other people commit, I have to suffer through the boredom of typing it up.
The 'After the Game' menus came in today! And they look awesome! And after five minutes of looking at it, I don't like the way it turned out. Yeah, I am really happy that it is finished and all, but it has so many things wrong with it. The actual menu is perfect. But the border around one of the ads looks stupid. And a couple ads came out blurry, and I hate one ad because Pam just had to put her two cents in and ruin it. But it basically looks great. I am glad that it is here.
Of course when I show Dad, he acted as if he would rather use it to wipe his butt with it. He has been in an attitude for some reason. And honestly, I can't stand him right now. First, he says that he and Floozy are no more. But today he goes on what any normal person would consider a date. But that's not what is making me mad. It's the fact that he didn't have the decency to tell me not to make a big dinner because he was going out. I am over him cheating on Mom and trying to lie to make feel better. But he wanted me to make the chicken, and when I tell him how long it would be, he doesn't say "Oh, I won't be here because I am going to be a lying dirtbag and make you lose what little love and respect you have for me." No, he just leaves.
And on top of that, there were two sinks full of dishes and lots of dirty dishes just sitting on the counter. He didn't do anything today except watch movies and sleep! He could have at least washed the dishes. No, he just stacks more and more on top. So while I was making the meal he wanted, I had to wash the dishes so we would have something to eat from. In the end, as a way of punishment, I made the greatest meal ever and he is stuck with the leftover version of it.
Oh well. That's why I don't try anymore. He can say what he wants to Mom, but I won't lie to her. She asked me for the truth, and I plan on giving it to her.
One more thing about the dishes. Dad complains that he is always having to do everything around here. But the fact is that he doesn't do anything! Four of the last 5 times the dishes were washed, I was the person washing them. He was complaining that the kitchen floor needed mopped. There is no point in me washing the floor if it is just going to get muddy because some people do not know how to wipe their feet before they come in the house. I don't even wear shoes in the house. I take them off and put them on at the door. Even when I bring in firewood I wear slip on shoes that way it is easy to take them off at the door and not have to untie them every time I go in or out.
Again, oh well. This blog is basically a receptacle for all the crap I deal with when it comes to Dad. It's almost over though. Almost.
After I did all that today, I did manage some time with Final Fantasy XIII. Sazh and Vanille are on their way to Nautilus. I also started a file of Final Fantasy XIII-2 last night before bed. To be honest, I prefer watching the game be played than actually playing it. Right now, that is. I am sure I may have a different opinion later on in the game.
Tonight we are supposed to get a bunch of snow. And tomorrow I am finishing up this week's paper. Depending on how much snow we get, there may or may not be more to add to the paper. Because if it snows a lot, then I will be the only person working.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...