The decision is made.
, 06-28-2013 at 07:56 PM (656 Views)
Today while I was waiting to pay for my new clothes at the new store in Sinking Spring, I was told by the clerk that they aren't allowed to have newspapers anymore. So, now they will no longer get newspapers, and they lost most of my business. Not because they don't want the newspapers, but because I don't have to go in as often and so I won't be tempted to buy stuff as much.
It also means that I don't have as much to deliver now! Yay for not having to carry as much on my bicycle!
After returning from Sinking Spring, I began narrowing down the field of 302 video games to only one. The one that would be the first of many video games I would conquer in the second half of the year. And through several hours of random dice rolls, it has been decided. The game that I will play first in my 6-Month Video Game Completion Challenge is...
If you remember my signature from 2012, you will have noticed that I had this game listed as a completed game. While I have completed it before, I am going to complete EVERY video game I own. That includes the ones I have already finished.
To read more on how I decided what game I would be playing, as well as opinions on the Final 6 Picks, head on over to The 6-Month Gaming Challenge and read to your heart's content.
As usual I am more amazed by the stats of the blog than I am of the layout or designs or anything else. Today I am surprised at the geographical stats. I seem to have quite a following in Russia. I did not know that.
I thought I lost my Nintendo DS's stylus today. I was thinking that a DS game was going to win, and I would definitely need the stylus if that happened. But I couldn't for the life of me find it. Then I dropped a pencil and found the stylus as I was getting the pencil.
I think I need to put lotion or some kind of soothing ointment on my shoulder. Where my backpack's strap rubs my shoulder really hurts today. I didn't even use my backpack today because it hurt so much.
Tomorrow is going to be spent playing random games and getting ready for Monday. I need to make sure my GameBoys are fully charged. I will probably choose a GBA or DS game to go along with a console game so I can play at work while I am not doing anything else. Other than that, nothing is on the agenda.
Well, I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...