It depends on who you ask.
, 06-16-2013 at 08:24 PM (924 Views)
Today was Father's Day. My father chose not to be with the reason he's considered a "father". It's just as well, because he wouldn't be receiving any praise for his fatherly ability if he did show up today. But my sister thought it good to claim that he's the "greatest father in the world" on Facebook, and the entirety of her friends list knows that's not true.
I feel sorry for him. He can't even try to be a father on a day to celebrate fathers. It's just one more thing proving that I made the right choice to show him up at every possible opportunity.
Today is also the first Father's Day my brother spent without seeing his child either. Of course, this is only his second Father's Day. Anyway, he is getting on my last nerve with bringing Amy here. It's ridiculous how much she's here. It's getting to the point that she should probably start paying rent. I refuse to have my portion of the bills to raise because there's another person using the electricity and water. My brother will find out what kind of person I really am if he thinks I am going to pay more.
I played Skyrim for the majority of the day. I earned enough money to buy a house, so now I can store all of the stuff I can seem to part with. I stopped playing to type this entry, and I'll continue playing after this is posted. I don't like how giants just walk along the roads and then scare me (literally) when they start attacking. I found this purple pond that was really neat looking. And then all of a sudden I was dead from a being bludgeoned by a giant's club. I wasn't hurting anything. Just looking at a purple pond.
Well, that's all for now. All I have planned for tomorrow is giving my brother a piece of my mind. Other than that, another day of gaming. I should continue Ni No Kuni, or Final Fantasy XIII-2, or Final Fantasy XIII.
I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...