Must I spell it out? It looks like I must.
, 06-17-2013 at 09:17 PM (732 Views)
I had to get on my brother's case today. He thought it would be a good idea to invite a whole bunch of people over for burgers and hot dogs and didn't think to ask if it was okay. It's kind of hard to tutor a kid when there's all sorts of carrying on happening. I received the usual "shut ups" from my brother. Though he heard what I said, he didn't listen to any of it.
Not only that, he decides at 11:45 pm to wash his bedsheets. It was a nice day today, and he waits until the middle of the night to do laundry.
And after all this, he asks me to use my credit card to order a phone case and screen protector for him. Not for his own use, but for someone else's.
Moving on...
We found out what the dead thing was in the laundry room. It was a bag of potatoes we had in the pantry. They have been removed and the room has been cleaned. I forgot that we even had potatoes.
I played Skyrim all day today. Even when Dad came to visit I played. I gave him the same monotone responses I always do. Why I should I show emotion to someone who doesn't seem to care? His purpose was to get the title for the car trailer so its license plate could be renewed. After he got what he came for, he left.
Back to Skyrim. I am now Level 14. My dry erase board is filled with statistical information on my character. I am going all-out, making full use of every color marker I own to maximize the fun of keeping track of everything. From which skills increase to amount of time I do every little thing; if my character does it, my dry erase board has some record of it. I may have gone a little overboard with it, though. I have started to use my small dry erase board to keep a record of what spells stores and people have for sale. That way I don't run the risk of buying a spell I already own by accident.
As for the story, I have made my way back down the mountain after visiting the Greybeards. I am now completing sidequests around Iverstead in order to increase skills and gradually make my way to the other side of the map to find whatever it is I was asked to get by the Greybeards. I think that's one of the reasons I lose interest in playing these open world games so often. I don't like having to go super far to get something. Yeah, I can fast travel on the way back, but it's not the same as possibly gaining a level and increasing several skills. I want the battle experience, but I don't want it to be so far away to get to the objectives.
Tomorrow I am working in the office. I still need to find some summer safety tips to go along with my Summer Of Safety center spread for this week's paper. Since I am making it from scratch, it is the perfect way to challenge myself and give the issue an attention-grabbing center spread. I have a theme all planned out. I just have to find the images I will be using.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...