The good thing about not having money is that there's more room for my hands in my pockets.
, 12-10-2013 at 09:30 PM (772 Views)
My desk is more like a trash can and less like a desk right now. Instead of reaching over and putting candy and granola bar wrappers in my trash can, I just put them in front of my keyboard. I have like thirty peppermint candy wrappers, five or six granola bar wrappers, and notes of phone numbers that my brother has to call covering my desk. I can still see what I may need to get to (checkbook, PS2, speakers), but I just don't feel like taking a few seconds and cleaning it off.
Well, since I have already updated my gaming blog tonight, I will clean up real quick. One second...
Okay, now that's taken care of.
Well, the nominees have been announced for this year's TFF Awards. I am excited to be in three categories this year. I was only expecting to be in one, three guesses as to which one? Yeah, I wanted to be in the Best Blogger category. I don't expect to win, because my blog is probably not as interesting as Yoko's or OceanEyes28's. The only thing this blog has going for it is the fact that it gets updated so much (pretty much daily). Anyway, I would love it if you go ahead and send your votes my way. Definitely for Best Blogger, the other two...I won't turn away your votes if you want to vote for me, but I am probably not qualified to hold those titles.
Things here aren't going as well as I would like. My brother hasn't had work for four days now, and we now have two bills late. The electric bill was due last Thursday, and the water bill was due today. Right now, I only have enough to pay for the water bill, or the electric bill, or half of the house payment. And then I still have the phone bill to pay next week. I could probably afford to do more if my brother didn't already owe me more than $80 from the last set of bills. I told him when he got home this evening (I think he was helping take care of things at Pop's) that he should ask Dad to help chip in. After all, he uses the electricity and water whenever he's here. I mean, he wouldn't be able to wash his hands after he works on cars, or flush the toilet after he uses the bathroom, or power the lights and powertools when he is in the garage working without the electricity and water that we pay for; along with him not being able to even be on the property if we weren't paying for it. And don't get me started on the phone that he just had to have in order to save money on calling people. Yeah, he acts as if phone calls are as abundant as snow on the ground.
It must be nice having your two sons put themselves in debt so you can live a fancy life screwing some drug dealer. And then what money you make you spend on yourself rather than helping your sons out paying bills in your name in a house that you claim as your own. Every cent I make goes into this house, and my brother never seems to have money either (though I think he spends his on his girlfriend, hence why he owes me money). I can only hope that Dad does in fact come home when Mom gets out of prison, because maybe then I will be more inclined to punch him for putting my brother and me in this situation.
I think the only upside to this whole ordeal is that my Uncle has asked about the house payment this month. Or maybe he has and I have just not been told about it. I don't know. I think he's sympathetic toward this situation, because he knows what a stupid jerk Dad is. After all, my Uncle has known my Dad all of his life.
I guess the only thing I can do is work even harder here at home. Money has to come in from somewhere, and with my brother helping finalize all of the stuff for Pop this week, there isn't anyone else earning anything. Maybe I should ask my brother about getting what I am owed for the tutoring, or is it still too soon for that?
Oh well, we always seem to get by. Something always happens and everything turns out okay. Anyway, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...
Later! And don't forget to send in your votes!