Looking at myself...
, 07-23-2014 at 05:43 AM (797 Views)
After posting the entry yesterday, I started up a save file for Jak II. Joey came home, and he brought Hunter and Colt with him. Murdered: Soul Suspect isn't the type of game kids their age need to see, so I switched games. I also had a guide on Precursor Orb locations handy, since I clearly missed some when I started playing before. I am at 5% complete, I think. I didn't notice what the percentage was when I saved/quit. As for Murdered: Soul Suspect, I am at the fourth of seven investigation areas. At least, that's what I am calling it. There are eight maps: the town map, and the maps of seven areas of buildings or landmarks. I am at the fourth of the seven. What I am going to do is complete the seven areas first, then save collecting what's on the town map for last. That way I will know exactly how many collectables are still needed to complete the trophy list.
As for the match, I have hit a plateau. Or at least, that is what it looks like when you look at the graph.
The graph shows I have 61 points, but really, it is only 55. There is a chance the Minecraft trophy will count, so I still have it on the list. As you can see, cybershark91 is creeping up on me. I guess he is sticking with Assassin's Creed Brotherhood trophies for now, and possibly doing Sly 3 stuff later. All I know is that I need to get back on the ball in these last eleven hours. I don't have a plan made for the second match yet. I am thinking that I will continue working on the Jak Murdered Daxter duo I started for this first match. And yes, I just came up with that nifty little title.
Yesterday evening after Carma left for work, Joey and I went outside. Oh yeah, Joey wanted to stay here last night instead of going to Stacy's. I finished the mowing, and Joey asked to go play with Hunter and Colt next door. When I finished mowing, I went over to bring Joey back. That's when Larry Joe asked me to help him some more. I did, because in the grand scheme of things, earning money is more important than some trophy hunting competition. After, we finally came back home and played video games. I took a shower to get the grass, dirt, and sweat off. As I was drying my hair, I noticed that I have more defined arm muscles than I remembered. And you know what I did, I flexed my muscles. I never had muscles to flex before. It wasn't anything extreme like what body builders do. Just something simple so I could look at it. I know, I am weird. But it is nice to have arms that are starting to match my legs. If I could deliver with my feet and pedal with my hands, it wouldn't have taken so long for them to match.
Vanity aside, I am planning on playing video games today. Joey is sitting in my doorway. He saw that the PS3 was on, and so he is waiting for me to play something. It is just sitting on cybershark91's profile. I was making sure he didn't earn more trophies overnight. And then after the match ends, and the second begins, I will try my best to get to bed early. I want to be well-rested for work tomorrow. I already have everything ready to go and my alarm is set for 2:30. I will also be buying batteries for my headlight tomorrow as well. I may need someone to remind me.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...