Sunny skies are definitely what I need...
, 04-06-2015 at 05:31 AM (1267 Views)
I have a small update. We won't be going to Florida until August. That leaves me with enough time to earn some money, prepare for the move, decide what I'm taking with me that is in the storage unit, and say my goodbyes. Mom and her boyfriend came over yesterday, and we all are on the same page now. Everyone says it will be good for me, and I hope they're right.
What's more is that Carma is going to let Mom and Kevin move in and rent this place. So, coming home will be great. At least I know I have somewhere if I need it.
I mainly sat there and listened, taking it all in. This was grown-up talk, and although I am one, it felt more like the sit down and shut up kind of situation. Honestly, I was talked about as if I was a possession instead of a person. But I don't care as long as I'm not ending up in a dumpster like one.
I am getting excited about the change. A little at a time, but there is definitely excitement brewing.
All in all, Easter was very nice. It's definitely one of the better ones in my life. Joey and I got his television and Wii U connected again. We nearly tore the house apart looking for the GamePad. It was in the basement. Though I swear I had it in with the rest of the stuff. Oh well. Now he won't be pestering me to play my games as much. He'll still want to play them, but at least now he has an alternative to Grand Theft Auto IV.
Speaking of games, I haven't been as spread around with mine lately. I mainly play Jeopardy! on the PS3, and Run Sackboy! Run! on the Vita. My 3DS has not been shown attention other than carrying it with me on Thursdays (gotta get those PlayCoins).
*OMG! I will earn so many StreetPass notifications when we move. And there's got to be more than five people in Florida with a 3DS. The five or six here I get on Thursdays are consistent, but we are running out of puzzle pieces to give each other. It's like the others don't us their PlayCoins for more pieces.
Back on track now. One of the things I'm taking with me to Florida is my entire games collection. It just wouldn't seem right to leave my other games in Ohio with Mom. She never plays them anyway. I also want to take my desk and office chair with me. I'd have to go through the storage unit, but that's all I can think of that I want. Maybe some of my bike parts I may need. Because you never know.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...