Maybe I shouldn't go to Florida...
, 04-12-2015 at 02:07 AM (1111 Views)
In my attempt at making more money for my journey to Florida, it seems I may be making it harder for me to actually go there. There were some places looking to hire when I was delivering papers on Thursday. So after I was finished with my route, I went to the office and used the computer to access my Email. There, I made a couple copies of my resume I had in my important stuff folder. Then I rode to the first place, a diner in need of a dish washer. The girl I talked to is the owner's daughter, and Gabby said that it was the right person to talk to.
And after depositing my check, I made my way to South edge of the village to apply for a cashier person at the Marathon gas station. I filled out an application right there in the store, sitting at one of the tables. I handed it to one of the supervisors, and after he looked it over, he said that we would go ahead and have an interview. I had never made it to that stage of the job search process so quickly before. There I was, looking as if I had ridden 45 miles on my bike, and about to do an interview for a job.
But the interview went great! It ended with the two of them saying that there saw no reason not to hire me, but still had to do a few more interviews of people who had also applied. So, I guess things are looking good!
And then yesterday, Larry called me to ask if I could work with him. I went there at 11am, and was finished at 6pm. And once again, I worked too hard. My back hurts. I fell asleep at 8pm, and woke up at 2am. I'm typing this in bed, because sitting at the table and typing hurts too much. Oh well. I earned $52, and that is going straight into my coffee can. I have to try and get back on track with filling it up. After that little blunder with my checks last month, I had to spend most of what I saved up. Now on top of keeping up with the normal additions, I am trying to put back what I took out of it.
While I was working with Larry, I overheard him talking to someone about the campground business he's going to start up. He told this person that I was going to be the caretaker of it. Whether it was a joke or not, I don't know; but it would be a great opportunity. Steady pay. I didn't mention Florida, because I am still not 100% sure I am going to go. The reason being that if things start going really well here, I don't think I can leave. I mean, why leave if I have a good thing going?
Tomorrow (today), I am riding to Peebles to mow the yard at the office. I'm also going to stop at the storage unit and dig out some of my video games. That will be fun. I've been meaning to clean it out some, because that's also where I keep my old bikes. I don't need all of those junky parts. Joey hopes I bring Grand Theft Auto III, because he likes being able to take on jobs in the career cars (squad car, fire truck, etc.).
Anyway, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...