Maybe I Should...
, 07-17-2013 at 08:03 PM (958 Views)
I had trouble sleeping last night. I was up until after 2am. I know it was after 2am because I went to check on the kittens then and see if U wanted to sleep in the house with me at 2. What I saw was Itsy Bitsy chowing down on a snake. From the distance away from the kittens that Itsy was, I assume that the snake wasn't posing a threat to the little ones. Itsy was probably out hunting for food and saw it. But, you never know. Maybe it was threatening the kittens and Itsy dragged it away to eat it herself. Not that it would matter, because the kittens are still very little.
I wasn't able to pull myself away from The Queen's Classroom. The story is really good. And despite how harsh and unconventional the methods, the teacher does seem to have the students' well-being in mind. I'd like to think that if I was in the students' place that I would stand up for myself, but most likely I would crumble under the pressure. After all, these are 12-year-old kids we are talking about.
But more importantly, it made me think about my current situation. The show, and some recent comments I have been given, have made me consider going into a different field of work. During my schooling, it was said by everyone including myself that I would become a teacher. My graduation speech (I was second in my class) even said that I would become a mathematics teacher in a Central American country so I could put my proficiency in Spanish and Mathematics to good use. I helped tutor students who hadn't passed their required mathematics graduation test.
But back then, I didn't have the patience for those who had no desire to learn the material. So I focused on another dream, choosing to dispose of what I had for the longest time thought was the only way for me. I chose to write. And then I began working at the newspaper, and now I am practically where I was when I graduated.
So maybe I should get more schooling. And with the advancements in technology nowadays, I won't have to go to an actual school to do it. Also, more and more people are using online education to teach their children (I read a while back that it would close to 11 million by 2014). So the demand for online educators will grow as well.
Anyway, I can't rely on Google to pay me regularly. At the rate my gaming blog and YouTube channel are going, I will get my first check from them in 416 years. I have been earning one penny each month, and they won't issue checks until you have earned total of $100 USD. So I have a long while to wait. And I knew that I wouldn't be able to deliver newspapers forever. I just never thought I would be thrown to the side like I was last week. And I can't expect them to realize their mistake and ask me back.
All I will say for now is that I am thinking about it. You never know, something may come up that might make me change my mind. It's quite possible that a rival newspaper wants me to design ads. Or maybe one of the recent jobs on Freelancer that I placed a bid on will get me more permanent work.
And now to move on to today's events...
Joey was here all day again today. I am not sure why, because the rest of his family was at Woodland Altars swimming all day (which, as you may remember, is right behind my house). It was okay. In order to get him to stop asking me tons of questions, and to give my brother and I a laugh or two, I turned on my headset and played some multiplayer Need for Speed: Most Wanted. It was hilarious. I was initially afraid that I would be exposing him to language that is not suited for a 6-year-old. However, the grown-ups in his life (other than myself of course) don't talk any worse than the ones in the game. Luckily, all there was in terms of communication buddies (or whatever they are called) was a French player. And he was polite and had nice language. Not that Joey could understand a word of it, but it was still nice. I was glad to translate while racing.
For most of that time though, all that could be heard was Joey yelling into the headset "Hello! Can you hear me? Would you talk to me! Hello!" And this went on for a good ten minutes or so. I was laughing so much that I couldn't help but run into the buildings. You know, more than I usually do. I will get good at that game.
I found a moment to myself, and since the headset was still on, I played some GTA IV multiplayer. Wouldn't you know it, the only person I could hear was someone who was constantly saying the same things Joey was saying earlier. In GTA IV, I tend to stay quiet so I am able to better analyze my opponents play styles and adapt my own based on that. And since I don't have my headset on in the waiting rooms (unless I forget), they don't really know that I have a headset at all.
Tomorrow I have to deliver in town. I am hoping to get finished quickly. It will get hot fast, so I want to be back home when it becomes uncomfortable on the bike. After that, I have the day to myself. My brother has already told me that someone else (I don't remember her name, because I didn't bother to listen) SHOULD be watching Joey tomorrow.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...