It may have taken a lot longer, but it was finished.
, 07-03-2013 at 07:37 PM (800 Views)
I was at work from 9am until 6:30pm today. There were a couple technical difficulties in completing the paper today. The Quark software kept shutting down. So, I had to finish the paper on Misty's computer. The problem with that was the ads all had to brought over from the other computer. And because I already had the ads she built on her computer, there were problems recognizing them from the copies she gave me for my computer.
And then the computer we send the paper to the press with for some reason would not connect to the Internet so we could send it.
And after all that, we had to go over the ads and redo some of them because the fonts weren't transferring over correctly.
It was all a big mess, and Iris and I were left to fix everything. I am so glad that I don't have to deliver until Friday, because I don't want to be at the office tomorrow. But...
I think I may go there and fold my papers tomorrow. I have no plans for Independence Day, so it's the best time to do it. And then Friday I can go there and get them delivered and be done even earlier than usual.
And I get to work on Monday. That's a plus. I have the feeling it is just going to be a day where we get everything brought over to the new computers. Or maybe I will be working on whatever the new project is.
Anyway, we have copies made of the paper, so if any turn out wrong, we have proof of how they are supposed to look.
Here's some weirdness for you. This morning as I was riding to work, I see one of our family's police officer friends at this house reall close to where I live. Along with the cop, the place he is at is all wrapped up in police tape. After I am a safe distance away, I send a message to my brother about it. Since he likes to drive on the roads though he doesn't have a valid license I figured I'd warn him to stay off the highway today.
It turns out that's the news report my paper's competition put out this afternoon.
This place is literally a few minutes bike ride from my house.Originally Posted by Possible infant remains located at SR41 residence
The people who allegedly did this have been to my house tens of times, and are apparently friends with my parents. I am so shocked to have learned this today. My brother came to pick me up because it was getting dark (despite the property still being considered an active crime scene, he said that the police have more important things to deal with right now), and he told me about their friendship with Mom and Dad.
Still, I am dumbfounded. These people have always been really nice to me when I would ride by their house, despite my coldness to people I don't know (I really should learn to remember people's faces and names).
I got to see television vans on my way. That's was neat. It's just too bad that the television stations never want to come out to our little neck of the woods unless there is some murder or horrific crime scene to be seen. They never even think to come here when we do something worth news attention, like how I am nearing 7,500 miles and 225,000 papers delivering for the newspaper. Nothing like that would get a news station's attention.
Moving on...literally.
My copy of Xenosaga III is really moving. Today the tracking number said that it was in Kearny, New Jersey. The game was shipped from Indiana, there is no reason that I know of that would explain why it is in New Jersey. The last time I looked at a map (just a few minutes ago), New Jersey was not between Indiana and Ohio. So all I can do is wait. I checked the shipping address on my account, and it's correct. So maybe the person put the wrong address by mistake on the envelope. I will be very angry if my game goes to some person in New Jersey.
And finally, I wasn't able to do any gaming today. There is still time tonight to work on Sonic Unleashed, but my head hurts a little. If I do play, then it will only be a couple of stages. I will still need some time to type the gaming blog entry.
Well, tomorrow I have the whole day to do whatever I want. I will spend it playing. Maybe some working. I don't know. That's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...