Yay! I did it!
, 06-09-2014 at 04:44 AM (875 Views)
You are reading the words of one of the newest people to have completed Branch D of Drakengard 3. You are also reading the words of someone who had to resort to using a guide video synced with a television in order to complete Drakengard 3's Final Verse. I finally broke down and did it. And after watching the video, I am glad I did. I would never have completed it had I been toughing it out. After all of the Intoners come out, then they all start moving and making it super difficult to see the attacks and Mikhail. Anyway, I am glad that I finally finished it.
I have four trophies left to earn in the main story of the game. The Platinum, the one for raising every weapon to Level 4, the one for completing all of Accord's requests, and the one for getting every perfect bonus during air-battles. In order to upgrade the weapons, I need gold. I can do that by completing the DLC chapters. When I upgrade the weapons all of the way, I will unlock an outfit for Zero that grants her unlimited Intoner gauge. That will make the last three requests for Accord simple. My problem is the air battles. I don't know which ones they are, but I know I will have to do all of them.
I did begin some of the DLC chapters. In particular, Five and Two. I started with Two, and then I died in the second Verse. That's when I switched to Five. I managed to get to Verse three before dying. It looks like there are four Verses in each DLC Chapter, judging from the trophy list of each DLC pack. Five's story seems so pointless right now. And Two...she's not the person I thought she would be. I will just have to finish them all in order to understand what drove the Intoners to this point.
In other gaming updates, I have completed the songs in the first seven Final Fantasy games. And there is still no new updates as to the whereabouts of Pokémon X or Kingdom Hearts 3D. The estimated date of delivery was this past Saturday and today, respectively. I sure do hope they arrive. If not, then some people won't be receiving 5-star ratings on their feedback. I mean, I have received no communication on Pokémon X, and Kingdom Hearts 3D is still in the pre-shipment stage. Which basically means that the post office there has been notified of the expected arrival of the package, but has not received it yet. Now, maybe there's a glitch in the system. But that doesn't seem likely.
Moving on...
Carma and Joey got back home at 4pm yesterday. After that, we finally got around to pulling up the carpet in the living room. As expected, I did the majority of the work. The only thing Carma did was help lift the heavy furniture, and supervise my work. When that was done, I went back to my room and that was when I finished Drakengard 3. Well, I did go outside and played Theatrhythm Final Fantasy, but then Joey went outside and started bugging me. Apparently, he is the most awesome person on Earth, and he claims he's better than me at everything. In the end, I got tired of it and went back inside. I am really getting bored of him.
The plan for this Monday is to work on both completing the DLC chapters of Drakengard 3, as well as writing the review for the game. I figure I will include the DLC stuff in the review, but I want to begin on the main story because it is the bulk of the review. Other than that, I think I have Joey to watch this evening. And then if it's not raining, I want to switch the lights from the red bike to the black bike. I will just buy a new rubber tire at the store on Thursday, and ride the black one for my route this week.
And I guess that's it. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...